The Ice Cream

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We get back to the tower and all go inside... I'm a little dumbfounded by what happened back there.

We walk inside and Peter jumps up, "Did you use your powers?! Did it work?!" He said, flooding me with questions, "Chill out dude." Sam says, standing up and brushing Peter away.

"Y/n did just fine." Thor says. I try to smile. "'re out of ice cream..." Loki says. "We are?" Wanda asks. "Damn it." Bucky says.

"Peter and I can go pick some up?" I offer, Peter smiles widely and nods. "Okay, be careful." Tony says. I look a little confused, "Thanks dad..." I say, then everyone laughs except Tony.

Peter and I leave and start walking down the street to the store. "So did you have fun on your first mission?" Peter asks.

"Um... actually, " I say, and Peter looks at me a little concerned. "It was stressful...and a little confusing.."

"Oh..." Peter says, looking back at the sidewalk, "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually." He says, as we walk inside the store.

We walk towards the ice cream when I ask, "So what kin-" I say, then we hear gunshots.

We cover our ears and jump a little. Peter looks at me. "You ready for this?" He says with a smirk, then I smile a little and nod.

He suits up quickly and my hands start glowing. He swings from the ceiling over to the shooter and I run and make my way through.

Peter lands directly in front of the guy and webs his gun, then I lift out my glowing gold hands and it seems like I made the guy paralyzed.

I grunt a little, this feeling very draining. "Peter, I don't think I can hold it much longer!" I exclaim, still holding up the guy without even touching him.

Peter nods and webs his arms, legs, and mouth and I let him fall to the ground.

I instantly turn around to the people behind us. "Are you okay?!" I start asking people, checking for wounds. Everyone says their okay and no one was injured.

A minute later, the police show up and put the shooter in the back of a car and takes him to jail.

"Thank you both." A police says to us. "No problem." Peter and I both say. The police nods and tips his hat, then leaves after the medics make sure no one was hurt.

Peter takes his suit off and is back in his normal clothes and then we walk to a different store.

"Wasn't that fun?!" He asked excitedly as we walk into the other store. I smile a little and chuckle at his enthusiasm, "It was." I say, then before I even finish, Peter exclaims, "Yes! I knew you had fun!"

We laugh and get 5 gallons of different ice creams, then head back to the tower.

"Why did it take y'all so long?" Tony exclaims once we walk in. "Give them a break Tony." Steve says. "No, I'd like to know too." Natasha says.

"Y/n used her powers and we stopped this shooter and-" Peter rambled on. "Wait, wait, wait-" Bruce stops us.

"You guys," Bucky starts to ask, then just chuckles a little. "Yes, we did." I say, then smile.

"I knew it!" Loki exclaims, pointing at Sam. "Damn it." Sam says quietly, then hands Loki 20 bucks.

I look at Thor a little confused. "They made a bet." He says, then shrugs.

"Loki said that if y'all ending up fighting someone and that's why y'all are late then Sam owes him twenty bucks because Sam bet otherwise." Wanda exclaims. Vision nods emotionlessly.

"Alright, well, let's eat." Steve says, then everyone starts getting ice cream and talking.

"Daddy, I want some strawberry ice cream!" A small high voice says from behind me.

I turn around and see a little girl holding an Iron man stuffed animal with a smile on her face.

"Hey babygirl!" Tony exclaims, then picked her up, "Let's get you some ice cream." He says, smiling... I don't think I've seen Tony so happy.

"Daddy, who's that?" The little girl asks, pointing at me. "That's Y/n." Tony says, then sets her down.

She walks over to me and smiles, "I'm Morgan." She says. I smile, "It's nice to meet you."

Bucky scoops Morgan up and throws her upside down over his shoulder and Morgan screams and laughs, and Bucky smiles.

"Uncle Bucky, stop it!" She exclaims cutely, then Bucky just holds her. I chuckle and smile at them.

"You're very pretty." Morgan says to me. I smile. "Yeah she is, isn't she?" Bucky says with a light smirk at me. I chuckle a bit, "Thank you." I look behind Bucky and see Loki roll his eyes and blush, then shove ice cream in his mouth.

"Okay, go eat your ice cream." Bucky says, then Morgan laughs as he sets her down and runs over to Peter and eats ice cream whole playing with him.

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