The birthday

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It's my birthday. Greeaaat.

I wake up and my hair is a mess, so I put it in a messy bun and put on a black crop top and sweatpants.

I walk into the living room tiredly when I hear everyone yell, "Happy birthday!"

I jump back a little and do a fake smile, "Thank you...but please...for gods sake stop yelling."

Everyone laughed and then Steve came over and gave me a side hug. "Happy birthday Y/n." I smile a little.

I look and see Loki smiling at me, I smile back. "C'mon, Vision and I made pancakes!" Wanda says, then we all walk to the table and sit in our usual spots.

We all get food and start eating. "Where Nat?" I ask, realizing she was gone. "She's picking up her sister from the airport. Her sister's moving here." Bruce says.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Nat had a sister?" I question. "Yep." Tony says.

"Oh, y/n." Bucky says, "We got you a present." Steve nods, "But, it was Bucky's idea." He says, winking at me. Bucky gives him a deadly glare.

"What is it?" I ask. Steve pulls a medium sized box out from under the table and hands it to me. "This box is heavy." I groan.

I open it and see a small kitten. My eyes widen, "Wh-what is- this is for me?!" I exclaim.

Bucky smiles big and nods. "Oh my god!" I exclaim, smiling as I pick up the kitten and pet it. It's so small.

"I'm gonna name it Seb." I say, and everyone smiles. We all finish eating and I go put Seb in my room.

"Good kitty." I say in a baby voice as I set Seb on my bed. I turn around to walk out and see Loki standing there. I tilt my head.

"What're you doing?" I ask. "Looking at you." He says. "Do you need something?" I ask. "I...I need you." He says.

I stumble backwards a little. "Wha...what do you mean?" I say, but he ignores the question.

"So this is Seb, huh?" He says, gently picking Seb up off my bed. He cuddles him gently. I smile a little, "Man, kittens make you soft." I chuckle. He gives me a glare trying not to smile.

Loki sets him back down and then we walk out of my room together. We walk into the living room and see everyone sitting on the couch with bags.

"What're these?" I ask. "There for you." Sam chuckles. "Come open them, I'm impatient." Peter says, then everyone laughs.

I come and sit down and Peter eagerly hands his bag to me first. "Open mine first." He says excitedly. I smile and open up the bag.

I see a gray nike sweatshirt with seafoam colored accents, I pull it out smiling. "Peter!" I exclaim, putting it on, "I love it!" He smiles, "I knew you would." He says.

"Okay, here." Tony says, handing me his small bag. I open it and grab out brand new airpods with a cartoon iron man case. I smile and chuckle a little.

"Thank you Tony!" I say. He smiles and shrugs. "This is from me, my lady." Thor says, handing me a small box. I open it and pick up the small golden necklace with a mjolnir charm. I smile, "Thamk you Thor!" I say.

"Here." Wanda says, then helps me put it on. "Oh yeah, as part of your gift, I'm taking you to get a new phone." Tony says, and my jaw drops. "NO!" I exclaim in unbelief. "Yep." Tony says, smiling, "I'm also bringing Loki and Thor to get one." He says.

"Anyways, this is from Vision and i." Wanda says, handing me the bag that she was holding. I open it and take out the small dark green collar for Seb out, along with a few cat toys.

"We were in on Bucly and Steve's suprise." Wanda chuckles. I smile, "Thank yo-" I say, before I get cut off by the door opening.

"Hey guys, we're here!" Nat says, "Happy birthday y/n!" She says, hugging me. "Thank you." I say.

"Oh, this is my sister-" she says, then the girl behind her looks at me with a confused face, "Y/n?" She says.

The room goes silent and everyone's confused. I look behind Nat. "Y-Yelena?" I say.

She runs up and we hug eachother tightly, "I can't believe it's really you." She says hugging me with a teary voice and the same Russian accent.

"Um...hate to ruin the moment but what the actual hell is happening?" Sam says in his sarcastic as ever voice.

Yelena and I look at everyone. "Before I got shipped off to the red room, y/n...y/n was my best friend.." she says.

Everyone's eyes widen. "Wait...h-how did I not know this?" Nat asks. "You were always busy, playing with yourself and imagining things." Yelena says sarcastically.

"I thought you moved without telling me." I say, looking at her. "I was devastated." She says.

"Well...I'm happy for you both, really," Loki says sarcastically, "but can we move on with this present openening thing?" He asks.

I smile and nod, "Oh, present, дерьмо..." she says. I look at her and smile, "It's okay, you being here is more than enough." I say, and she smiles in relief.

I open more and more presents and we go through our day, talking, laughing, and playing games, then it's night time.

"Do you wanna stay in my room tonight? Talk, watch movies, whatever." I ask Yelena. She smiles and nods.

We walk into my room and I look at the clock. Everyone already went to their rooms, its 12:30am.

"Hey um, can I take a shower?  That airplane was disgusting." She says. I smile and nod, "Sure, it's right in there." She grabs her bag and walks into my bathroom.

In Steve's room...

Steve takes a breath as he takes off his shirt. He hears a knock on his door and exclaims, "It's open."

He looks over and sees Bucky walk in. "Dude...I got a problem." He says, sitting on Steve's bed. "What else is new?" Steve says sarcastically.

Bucky glares at him and rolls his eyes, "So um...I think I accidentally fell for y/n." He says. Steve turns and looks at him.

"Dude...I wouldn't do anything about it. I know that I know that I know, that something is going on between her and Loki. It's probably a horrible decision; but it's what's happening right now. Wait to see how that plays out." Steve says.

Bucky nods a little, "Yeah..."

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