The Warehouse

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 "Friday, equip Y/N." Tony says as we all follow behind him, walking into the lab. "Wh-" I say, before suddenly, mechanical arms are putting a suit on me. Once they finish, everyone else is putting suits on... or just using magic to. I look at the big mirror on the side of the wall. 

"Okay, this is sick." I say, looking at myself. It is a gold and white body suit without a helmet, and these two strips of dark green sheer fabric attached to my shoulders, leading all the way down to my ankles. "It's a special type of metal, for more protection." Tony says. "That's metal? It doesn't look it." Sam says. "Eh, figured we all might as well look cool if we're gonna blow up some squid as-" Tony says, then gets cut off by Steve, "Language."

After a few minutes, everyone is suited up. "Alright Mr. Stark sir, where are we going?" Peter asks. "Yes, where are we going?" Natasha adds. "Baby spider and mommy spider are right, where are we going?" I add. "I've tracked Hydra out to a warehouse fifteen miles from here." Bruce says, standing next to his computer. 

"Then that's where we're going." Tony says, while in his suit, "Alright, so lets confirm positions first." We nod. "Sam, You're on watch and sneak attack, so you're gonna do your cool bird stuff and fly above the beams of the warehouse and alert us where agents are. Natasha, Peter, and Thor, you three are on full on attack from the left side of the warehouse-"

"I love being forgotten." Yelena says sarcastically as she walks in with a gun, "So what's my position?" "Ummmmm, scary Russian assassin, you're gonna be on sniper duty with scary American assassin." Tony says as he motions from Yelena to Bucky, then they both nod. 

"Y/N, you and Loki go through the backside, and... uh..." Tony says, then looks over at Bruce, "We.... we're gonna need a code green." he says. I watch as Loki suddenly looks terrified, so I just nod at Tony.

"Okay." Tony says, his face full of vengeance and rage, "Who's ready to defend what they've taken?" he says. Everyone looks around at each other and nods. "For Rhodey." Tony says, then flies out the building.

A few minutes later, we're at this giant warehouse. We all are in our separate groups and positions, and we each have an earpiece. "Alright everyone who is on the ground, start moving in." Tony says over the earpieces. 

Loki, Bruce and I start moving through the backside of the warehouse, and I realize....I recognize the warehouse. "Loki, I need you to turn me into Wanda. Or Nat. now." I say, my face pale. 

He looks at me weirdly, then sighs. "Y/n....if the world never sees Chrysos as a hero, they'll see you as a villain. Don't disguise yourself because you're scared." Loki says in a comforting voice .... god, I love him... but what have I done?

"Loki, you don't understa-" I start, when Bruce interrupts. "Uhhh, guys.... we've got company." he says, and we see Hydra agents start flooding in.

"They've got an army..." I say shakily. 

"we've got a Hulk." Loki says.

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