The Problem

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I wake up and walk into the living room and see everyone watching tv and talking. I yawn and go sit on the couch.

After a few movies, I get up and walk to my room. "Ayo, imma go take a shower." I say. "Okay." They all affirm.

I walk to my bedroom and close the door. I start grabbing clothes out of my drawers when I hear my door open.

"Bro!" Peter says as he comes in. I turn and look and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Is something going on with you and Loki?" He asks. "WHAT, no!" I exclaim.

"Dude he doesn't show emotion. Ever. But make him show emotion! When you passed out at the conference party, he carried you to the limo and he FREAKED OUT. He literally cried the entire time. He kept saying how it was his fault and he must've done something on accident."

I look away picking up my clothes, hiding the fact I was blushing. "Man, nothing's happened." I lie.

I turn and look at Peter again. "Okay know he likes you right?" Peter asks. "I-I guess..." I say.

"Cool. You know Bucky likes you too right?" He asks nonchalantly.

My eyes widen and I drop all my clothes, "Shi-t-ttake mushrooms...." I say. Peter nods.

"What the hell do I even do now?" I say. Peter shrugs, "Y/n...I don't know what to tell you. Find out who makes you happier and go with that."

Peter leaves my room and I grab my stuff then go to the shower. I get into the shower and start washing my hair.

I already told Loki I loved him... we kissed, for god's sake. But Bucky...he's so sweet. I don't want to hurt would hurt Loki more...

I jump when I hear someone banging on my bathroom door. "Why are you in my room?" I shout, still in the shower.

The door comes flying open as I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around me and shut off the shower.

I look at the door and see Loki, Natasha, and Thor all standing there staring at me in a towel.

"What the hell?!" I exclaim. "You didn't tell us your birthday was the day after tomorrow!" Loki says.

"Wha-" I start, then growl, "Peeeeeterrrrttt..." "You're turning 20, we've gotta celebrate!" Nat says.

I do a fake smile, "Guys...that sounds great and all but I don't think that's necessar-" I say before I get cut off by Thor.

"Ahh, you must celebrate!" He exclaims. I walk towards them and push them out of the bathroom. "I'm not talking about this right now!" I say, still holding up the towel wrapped around me, then make them leave my room.

I get dressed and then braid my long hair. I sit on my bed and just sit back. I take a deep breath and look around. I jump when I feel something touch my back.

I jump off my bed, turning around to see what it was. I see a gray, green eyed kitten sitting on my bed.

"What the f..." I stutter. "I....uh..." I walk closer to the cat, then pick it up and put it close to my face....its a very cute cat...

"Hey there kitty...where did you come from..." I say, kinda talking to the cat but also to no one.

I pick up the cat and face it towards me. I fall backwards when suddenly the cat isn't a cat, but a...demigod. Loki.

He grabs me before I fall, then stands me back up. "Better than falling for 30 minutes." He says, then grins, then stops and shakes his head, "You wouldn't get it."

"What are you doing!?" I exclaim. "Just..chilling...I don't know." He says.

Nothing Hurts Anymore, I feel kinda freeWhere stories live. Discover now