Its time

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"Guys we have problem..." Tony says as he walks into the room, obviously frantic...which is strange....

"What's wrong?" Steve asks, arms crossed as he sits on the couch. Tony looks at Morgan, who's sitting on Bucky's lap, with a concerned sad face.

Everyone got really quiet and Bucky sets Morgan on the ground and says very softly, "Go play babygirl." Morgan jumped up off his lap and ran out of the room.

"What happened Tony?" Natasha asks, with a serious face. I look at Loki out of the corner of my eye and he just looks down.

Tony takes in a shaky breath and sighs. "Hydra has taken someone from us and killed them." He says, then Tony looks down.

"Who was it mr. Stark?" Peter says, his voice nervous. "The-they took Rhodey." Tony says, his voice sounding sad and angry.

My mouth drops open and my eyes fill with tears. "We're ending every last Hydra agent until Hydra is gone. We are ending it now and forever." Tony says as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"We're taking back our ground." Steve says sternly, and everyone stands up, "Let's go get these son of a bi-"

"They took Uncle Rhodey, daddy?" We hear a little voice say, then look at the door and see Morgan standing there in the doorway, Iron Man stuffed animal in hand, and her eyes full of tears.

Tony squats down, his eyes filled. "Come here baby." He says. Morgan slowly walks over to him and he takes her hands.

"Uncle Rhodey had to go for awhile. But it's okay, we're gonna stop all the bad guys. Okay?" Tony says. Morgan nods sadly nods and Tony kisses her forehead, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Go play with mommy." He says, standing up, then Morgan leaves the room.

Tony looks at us all with an angry face. "It's time."

Nothing Hurts Anymore, I feel kinda freeWhere stories live. Discover now