God bless America.

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It's been a week since we got our phones and stuff. Now we're all having a movie night.

Its midnight, and everyone is being quiet as the movie plays, the only light coming from the tv.

Steve sneezes and everyone is quiet for a few seconds..but I cant help myself.

"...God bless America." I say.

Everyone bursts out laughing, and Capsicle just sighs disappointedly.


So I wake up with my head on Loki's shoulder and one of my legs on Peter's lap, Peter is half laying on me, Yelena and Nat are snuggled up together and Yelena's legs are swung up over Peter's, and we're all on the couch.

I look at the chair and see Tony asleep with Morgan on his lap, laying her head on his chest. She's asleep too.

On the other couch, Sam is sitting straight up, sound asleep, and Bucky and Steve are both sitting/laying next to eachother, crammed up on the couch with Sam.

Wanda and Vision didn't watch the movie, they went to bed beforehand.

I look at the floor and see Thor wrapped up in Morgan's pink butterfly blanket. He's such a 'tough god from space'.

I try to move but I'm kinda stuck between Loki and Peter. I try to move again but then I hear a deep raspy voice. "Where are you going darling?" Loki asks me in his morning voice, his tone at almost a whisper.

"I'm just trying to get up." I say, smiling a bit. I manage to get out from under Peter, but not without waking him up.

"Wha-" he sits up, causing Yelena's legs to fly off him, waking her and Nat up. "Come on, spider dude." Yelena moans. "Sorry." Peter says.

"Well now that we're all awake," Nat says, sitting up a bit, "Anyone wanna draw on any of these doofs?" She asks. We all smirk and Loki gives us markers.

"I call Thor." Loki says, jumping up off the couch and kneels next to Thor's head, then starts writing on his forehead.... yep, he wrote Lebowski.

I jump up and immediately go to Bucky. Ahhhh, this'll be fun. I draw a unibrow, then write 'Steve's bby' on his forehead. Nat joins me and goes and writes on Steve's face, 'Now that's America's a-'

Yelena and Peter go to Sam and they start writing and drawing all over his face...did they just write Birdboy?

We all finish and go to the other living room quickly. We all sit on the couch and start laughing.

"I am not a poser!" Nat says, then we all burst out laughing. "Yes you are, just about as much as Y/n and Loki are." She laughs, then everyone gets quiet.

"Um....what?" Nat says, looking at the three of us. Loki sighs as shakes his head, and I slowly facepalm.

"Y-y/n.." Peter says. Yelena makes a face and blows her cheeks up a little, then makes an awkward face.

"L-Loki and I have been dating for two weeks, but please don't tell anyone. We aren't ready yet." I say, trying to explain. Loki sighs, "Please." He says.

Nat smiles a little bit, and Peter nods. "We won't." Nat says. "I've got y'alls back." Peter says, "I mean, I've been hiding my relationship with Mj-" he stops in the middle of his sentance.

"W H A T." I say, shooting up. Peter chuckles nervously.

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