The Testing

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"What is it?" I ask, honestly a little nervous, but I keep a brave face.

"Y/N... Hydra has been in range of the city recently." Steve says.

"They've dropped agents around a base we have on the outskirts of the city. That's where we keep our...stuff....that the public really shouldn't know about." Bruce says, with a worried expression.

My eyes go a bit wide. At least they don't know I'm Hydra...

"So, what I'm hearing is we have to figure out her powers." Loki says, then does his signature smile.

Everyone looks at me and nods a bit. "Yes!" Loki exclaims, then smiles at me, and I straighten my back.

"Oohh....Let's see how powerful you really are." Loki says.

Tony and Steve lead us all down into this giant empty room. We all stand in the middle and look around. The ceiling has to be at least 30 feet above us.

"What's this?" I ask. "This is my-" Tony starts, then Steve interrupts, "Our." Steve says. Tony glares at him out of the corner of his eye then looks back at me.

" facility. It's impossible to break anything in here, so go ahead." Tony says, then everyone backs up to the wall with the door.

I stay standing in the middle of the giant room and just kinda stare at the punching bag/target in front of me.

"I-...uh..." I stammer, then look back at everyone. Tony sighs and comes walking up to me, then grabs one of my wrist, pointing it towards the target and empty wall.

"Okay, now just focus on making the power come." He says, and I feel a sense of comfort and reassurance.

A minute later, just staring at the target, the gold glow reapers on my hand. " got it..." Tony says.

There's suddenly a loud bang noise and I close my eyes. I pull my hand back, Tony still holding that wrist, my eyes still closed.

"Well.. I guess y-you gotta run before you walk sometimes..." I hear Tony say from behind me and let's go of my wrist, then i open my eyes

The target got blasted into pieces all over the floor and the wall behind it is a black and almost broken through, but not completely.

I put my hands over my mouth and then look back at everyone behind me.

Natasha is staring at the wall in awe, Thor is extremely confused, Loki's laughing quietly, Peter's jaw is dropped and he's recording with a slight smirk, Bruce is thinking and talking to himself quietly, Bucky's staring at me with stern eyes, Sam's eyebrows are furrowed as he stares at everything, Vision looks around with no emotion, and Wanda has her hands over her mouth.

"Friday, repairs." Tony says, then starts walking out of the room. "Yes sir." A booming robotic voice says that makes me jump.

Everyone just follows Tony out and I stay standing in the middle of the giant room, staring at the wall being...what seems like magically repaired.

Tears well up in my eyes as i look at my hand, which is still glowing gold. I jump when I hear Loki.

"That was amazing you know." He says. I turn around and look at him and his face goes a bit confused and concerned.

"What?" I ask. "Y-Your eyes... they're glowing golden as well... like the towers in Asgard..." he says.

"Wha- oh my god..." I say, trying to process through this, looking down at the floor.

"It's gorgeous." I look up at Loki quickly. His face is a bit nervous but he hides it well.

I feel my heart beat quicken as we keep staring at eachother. He turns around and leaves the room quickly with sad eyes.

This was just supposed to be a mission....

Nothing Hurts Anymore, I feel kinda freeWhere stories live. Discover now