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"Yes my love?"

Soobin looked up at his mother with big doe eyes, nervously playing with his ears. His mother had long straight hair that touched her back, it was a light baby blue while her ears were pink. She wore a long tulle pink dress off shoulder sleeves. Soobin was sitting on a couch with jittery hands.

"What's the vorpal sword?" He asked so meekly. His mother stopped her movements which she was quickly searching through the pages of an old book.

"It's a sword that was meant to kill the Jabberwocky which is what Absolem foretold. But the girl didn't do her part and left wonderland, so now it lays with the Bandersnatch. It's a white sword that purifies the wonderland world." She stated before returning back to her movements. Soobin jumped out of his chair watching his mother do her work.

"But why is she so special? Can't someone else do it?"

"No one but her can do it. Or at least her blood line." His mother added a flask in a large pot before returning to the book.

"But why?"

"Because my love, she's mad like us. She belongs in this world."

"But I thought no Uplandian belongs here? Isn't that what the Queen said?" Soobin was spilling out questions left and right, his small hands clutching onto her dress. Her lips parted to answer but was quickly shushed when her husband burst in the room.


"What is it Azure dear?"

His hair was blue like Soobin's, his ears just as blue while wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He looked out of breathe, holding a bag of potions.

"I found more! We must hurry with this, the Red King is demanding more for his son. He wants to free his son from the White Queen or Our heads would be off our shoulders." His father spoke with fear. Linnea swallowed and nodded.

"We must hurry then. If it doesn't go as planned then we must keep Soobin alive." His mother started flipping the pages in the book her actions becoming hastily.

"Yes. We must. This is for the white Queen."

"I feel bad honestly Azure. He's heartbroken his wife was killed and his child was taken from him."

His father turned to face his wife in confusion.

"You can't be serious Linnea. His wife murdered thousands and was a brute. He did nothing to stop her despite him being against her actions. And so what about his son? What so he can also train him in the ways of the former Red Queen? Don't be prosperous my love, he deserves no mercy."

"I suppose so but what father wouldn't be sad losing their child? I'm just saying my love, it's not fair."

"What's not fair is the King holding us in here while we have no idea what happened to our families. What if Soobin is the last of his kind?" His father whispered the last part while Soobin was hiding behind his mother, drinking in the affection she was showing him. His mother froze at his words, her actions put on a halt.

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