Part 33

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Wei Ying glared at the man that ZiXuan was forced to call a father. Lan Wangji had to admit that it was rather surprising to see him like this, considering he had not previously acted in such a way. The Jins were just stupid to call something out that had no reason to be called out. If someone was scared of course they would not try and leave, and that was not the point of the trial, it was the fact that it had happened at all, to someone who ahd not the ability to protect themselves. Wangji felt his fists curl and his teeth grit at the audacity, but he kept himself contained. He knew that should it be needed, XiChen would step in and he would grab Wei Ying, currently that was really their best options.

He just could not believe the audacity of the Jins, though he supposed he should have supposed that they would cause some trouble, though he did not understand what their goal was. Perhaps they did not even need a goal, causing chaos and sowing discord definitely seemed to be something that they did out of fun, for whatever reason, he doubted that they truly needed a reason to be unpleasant. It was just annoying that they continued to do so in delicate matters, when there were somethings that were best not spoken of or voiced. It would seem that the Jins did not know that, or more than likely just did not care. He was surprised that Wei Ying was handling himself so easily, because he had not really expected for him to react so...little.

Wei Wuxian, he supposed that the Jins were just as much trouble as Lan Zhan had warned him, and he had of course prepared for possible questions regarding why he did not leave if he had the ability. He stared the Jins down and hummed, as though he were contemplating why, subtly mocking them to the Lans, who knew that he was doing so. Though it was not obvious to any other, the Lans were more than aware of how Wei Ying looked when contemplating and this was not it. It almost made JingYi loose composure and laugh, but he did not dare. For one, SiZhui would flay him alive and for two Lan Wangji and Lan XiChen were right next to them, and he did not want to risk annoying or angering them. It was...rather dangerous, in his own opinion. He held his comments and voice in, not wanting to interrupt anyone, and ensure the wrath of the Lan Jades.

Wei Ying tilted his head, looking at the Jins. He cast his gaze rather apathetically across them. His eyes blank and devoid of emotion, leaving the Jins to sweat a bit, not knowing what was to come. They did not like that look, or that smile that Wei Ying had stretched across his face. They realized that their Sect Leader had definitely played with a fire that was best left alone. They hesitantly moved backwards a little, and seperated themselves from both Wei Ying and their Sect Leader. All of them were stiff. They knew that they would be able to handle themselves, of course, but for some reason...there was this feeling of worry. This assured feeling that if they tried they would fail and they did not like that feeling, at all.

"Well, Unlike some people, I actually cared enough to protect the ones in my charge." Wei Ying said with a dark look in his eyes. "Furthermore, I was but a child. Exactly how capable do you think that I was at going up against a fully angered Sect Leader? Everyone in the town was running, not just myself, and I had people to protect and to get out of the way so that they would not be taken." He hummed, nodding his head. "Though I suppose, considering Sect Leader Jins...proclivity, he would not necessary understand the same thing."

Many people gasped. They were shocked that Wei Ying would dare...actually mention such a thing. It was not like it was much of a secret, but to have someone spout it out straight to his face, was rather shocking. He did not hold back either. Leaving many to just stared with wide and shocked eyes. Many were battling glee as this young man in black and red called the Sect Leader out in an effortless voice as though he were only mentioning something insignificant. He cut his gaze through to the Jin, many of whom backed up at the sight of his gaze being placed on them. The tense atmosphere seemed to increase, seemingly without having said or done anything.

"You see, Sect Leader, I had another person to take care of. I sent them in the safest direction that I could think of at that time. How else was I supposed to give them the time to run as far as possible?" Wei Ying nodded, thinking back about it. "Oh, yes, that is right, there was no other thing that I could do. Perhaps a more apt question would be why it was that the Jiang Sect was in Yiling in the first place. There was certainly no reason for it. Once getting there, perhaps you should ask them why they decided to raise hell, and after finding a homeless child, or at least one they deemed homeless at least, they felt it well within their rights to uproot them without asking their opinion on the matter, before locking them up and proceeding to torment them on the daily basis for the next several years." Wei Ying gasped as though struck with some sort of inspiration. "But of course, you won't. Because that is not why you interrupted the conference for such a stupid question, after all. Or should I continue?" The sect leader was angry, and humiliated but shook his head.

"No need," Wei Ying huffed a bit of a laugh echoing from him.

"Naturally," He scoffed out and turned on his heel. "I think that is enough," He said with a shrug before walking off and placing Lan Zhan in front of him, practically plastering himself to the other. He was breathing rather heavily, which made Lan Wangji slightly concerned. He glanced towards his brother who just nodded once, and Lan Wangji turned grabbing Wei Ying's wrist and pulling him towards the exit. Wei Ying snatched SiZhui on the way and JingYi rushed after Sizhui, shocked that the other got snatched from his side. 

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