Part 29

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Wei Ying found himself bundled and shuffling close to Lan Zhan, worried, but unable to back out, not able to force himself to be willing to do such a thing. He was horribly nervous, scared of all of the various things that could go wrong and they were just repeating in his head on a loop. He knew that the likelihood was minimal, but he could not help but be nervous, with the level of things that were liable to go horribly wrong...He kept a firm grip on Lan Zhan's sleeves, holding himself slightly behind him as they walked through the halls, not wanting to do anything but hold onto the one person that he knew that he could trust. No matter what, should things go sideways Lan Zhan would protect him. Despite the unlikelihood of such a thing happening, he still found himself horribly nervous. He was the sole witness for the case....

Well, not sole, but he was one of the most important. After all, he had lived through the events, not just heard of them. Furthermore, it was not as though it had been a secret how he had made it out of the Jiang Clan. He sighed, sticking close to Lan Zhan was really the only thing that he could think of doing. It would keep him safe, against anyone. He knew that Lan Zhan would not allow anyone near him unless he wanted them to be. 

They were in a strange place now, after all. He had heard things of Qinghe, specifically from Lan Zhan's teachings, and from XiChen, before they had decided to bring him here on the very few instances that he spoke with XiChen. He mostly stayed with Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui, who sometimes brought JingYi. Outside of those three, Wei Ying did not really talk to many others, though he found it somewhat comforting, because he could count on them, and he could speak with them on things that he was never sure that he would be able to speak with other people on. Things that were too off the wall. He was also just not used to so many people wanting to speak with him, so he supposed there was that as well. Too much at once was not a good thing, and it would horribly overwhelm him. 

He had remembered all the things that Lan Zhan had taught him about the Nie sect, though. Well, he surely valiantly tried to do so, especially when it became prevalent that they were going to have to travel here to hold the trial. He had thought that it would be in the Cloud Recesses, but there were some concerns in regards to the ability of some to safely get there, which he supposed was understandable. Furthermore, Wei Ying was not too sure that he wanted the Jiangs to be escorted into the place he now called his home. He was not sure he wanted to see them again at all as a matter of fact, but some things he could help, other things he could not. 

While he did not have to testify, he knew full well that his testimony would help others feel more comfortable testifying, and he was the first one, after all, he would not be here for too long, or so he hoped. He was not sure if he could handle the stone structures that QingHe was famous in regards of for too much longer. It was so...stifling. He felt himself confined, which was never something that he particularly enjoyed, let alone when the situation was already tense as it were. 

He leaned a bit on Lan Zhan, who shifted so that he could handle the extra weight immediately. Wei Ying could not help the small smile that lit his lips at that realization. He knew that he and Lan Zhan had gotten very close, despite the slight...mishaps that happened along the way. Such as Lan Wangji believing he was a possessed demon or something when they first met, but really, Wei Ying was just glad that he had not terrified the young Lan. He was glad that he was able to stand here, next to the pillar of white, and feel somewhat secure and safe. At least, as much as anyone could should they be in his position. 

"Nie Huaisang, please..." 

"NO!" Wei ying jumped at the sudden sound, Lan Zhan placing a hand around his waist to steady him as he almost fell off balance, staring with wide eyes as a servant seemed to be chasing what was this 'young master nie' around, presumably to attempt to get him to do something, though Wei Ying was not sure what. Not that it mattered. Such shouting was...not something Wei Ying found himself liking. He was already missing the confines of the Cloud Recesses. Nobody was allowed to shout there. It was forbidden. 

"Oh," The young cultivator, Wei Ying would hazard to guess that he was similar to him and Wangji's age, but he was not really sure. The young nie flicked out a fan and hid his face, bowing slightly. "Forgive me for the intrusion." Wei Ying could not help but just stare in dumbfounded shock. He went from ruffian to gentleman too fast for him to really process, and the change in behavior was startling for him. 

"W..." Wei Ying paused, wondering if he should since it could be a personal matter, but he found his curiosity was as strong as ever and with the comfort of Lan Zhan next to him he bouldered onwards. "Why are you running from the young servant there?" He asked, tilting his head. The young boy seemed to stare at Wei Ying, his eyes lighting up with a sort of sparkle, something that told Wei Ying that he had probably said the wrong thing at the wrong person. There was a sense of mischievousness about the person. 

"Dage! This young master thinks you were a servant." The bright laughter in this Young Nie Huaisang's voice was clear. Wei Ying cowered into Lan Zhan as dark eyes pierced his and he looked away, staring at the side, towards the less dangerous seeming person that was standing next to him. 

"Da-ge?" He whispered softly. "Lan Zhan?" Wangji did not hesitate, though a small smile played at his lips. 

"Nie Mingjue, current sect leader of the Nie sect," he said simply. Wei Ying almost groaned. He had forced himself to memorize the information of the Nie sect, but he supposed that there was only so much that information could do...clearly.

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