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Lan Zhan supposed that he should not be too surprised that the boy had tried to escape. He was not used to others helping him, much less for nothing in return. Though, they were getting something in return. The Lans were getting the ability to punish the Jiang clan for their wrongdoings. Though it would seem the other did not really see that as a favour given in return for his stay. He had tried to escape a few times now, some aborted half-way through, this was the first time that he had been about to actually leave the Cloud Recesses, and Lan Zhan was fearful of how long this seeming obedience to the Lans wishing him to stay in Gusu would last. The boy was restless.

Perhaps he did not think others could see it, but Lan Zhan knew that the other had been thrown for quite the loop, and as such he was nervous that should the other try to escape again, Gusu would not be able to grab him in time. It was because of this that Lan Zhan had set guards up nearby the other's room, that was only for when he was not there himself, of course, which did not happen often. Lan Zhan had taken to taking guard outside the teen's room studiously. Immoveable, and utterly silent. 

It was somewhat amusing to hear him wander about the room, and ramble on and on about the most random things. Lan Zhan...well he knew that it was difficult for such an energetic person to be cooped up, especially since the other was relieved to finally be able to wander about in the aftermath of being taken from the Jiang clan. The other did try to hide it, but he had boundless amounts of energy at all times. Especially now that he was healing well, and beginning to not be burdened by the marks of Zidian, the other was becoming more and more restless. There was not much that Lan Zhan could do about that, as he refused to allow Wei Ying outside of the room, per doctors orders. 

Lan XiChen seemed to be the one who figured out a solution to his problem, suggesting that Lan Zhan take the boy books from the Library. Lan Zhan had been surprised his brother would allow the texts outside of the library. It was not technically against the rules, and this was a unique situation, but it was still heavily regarded as an unofficial rules. 

"I know that it is unconventional," Lan XiChen had admitted, upon seeing his brother's raised brows, and slightly widened eyes. "However, this is a rather unconventional situation. We cannot let him leave, as per the doctors orders, and we cannot risk him trying to escape again. We still have a few weeks before the conference is called. He is the primary statement that is necessary, and while it is possible to punish the Jiangs' without his testimony, it would make things go much smoother." Lan Zhan just stared at his brother blankly. Lan XiChen gave him a small smile. "I know that you worry for him." The other said gently. "And he is a rather...upbeat individual is he not? Giving him some texts on something he wishes to learn would be rather helpful do you not think? It would give him something to learn and he would be preoccupied at least a little bit." 

"Of course," Lan Zhan admitted. He looked at Lan XiChen, and tilted his head slightly. Lan XiChen nodded. 

"I will have someone sent and you can instruct them on what books to get. Do not worry about Uncle, I will handle him." Lan Zhan nodded once in acquisition, understanding. While Lan XiChen may seem otherwise, the other was a quite natural at handling sect affairs. Sometimes, this was due to his ability to bend and find loopholes in the rules, and other times the fact that his uncle even abided by his decisions. 

To date, Lan Zhan cannot think of a time when Uncle did not listen to his brother, even before his brother was sect leader. At the very least, he always considered Lan XiChen's suggestions. Perhaps it was exactly because he was supposed to become a sect leader, but Lan Zhan did not care much for that.

He was grateful for his brother though. He knew that Wei Ying was curious about many things, and he had not really had access to proper learning or education. Lan Zhan hoped that Wei Ying would take advantage of this opportunity. Though he could not really force the other to read anything that Lan Zhan brought him, he did know that Wei Ying was incredibly desperate to learn anything about the world, and cultivation and sect history being a couple of the many things that Wei Ying had briefly seemed vaguely interested in. Not that Lan Zhan had been paying so close attention to such things, it was obvious. He figured it would not hurt to let the other read up on those things. It would be much help for him in the future, as well. Learning to help control the dark cultivation he seemed to be capable of using and understanding how the rest of the world cultivates would be very helpful for that. 

Which was yet an ever more confusing thing to Lan Zhan. Though he did not know the details of his capture into the Jiang clan, nor did he truly understand everything that it was that the boy had gone through, his ability to actively cultivate dark chi was...dangerous. It was a dangerous thing to be doing, and yet it did not affect him. Or, at the very least, it did not affect him as it affected others. Lan Zhan was eager to learn why this was. Though he would not pry the boy for information. Hopefully he would inform him of these things on his own. 

For now, to minimize the risk of the boy trying to escape again, Lan Zhan figured it would be good to set the teen to something. Giving him tasks, it seemed the best. Perhaps Lan Zhan could try and teach...him. Though Lan Zhan had never taught someone before, he did not quite trust Uncle to handle the boy, so he supposed he could try to do it himself. It would certainly lower the risk of him escaping if he looked forwards to lessons. 

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