Lan Zhan is confused

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Lan Zhan did not understand this boy. His brother had brought someone which Lan Zhan certainly enjoyed being around, his company was comforting in ways that others were most certainly not. The other was smart, clever, and more than bright. Despite the trauma which he had suffered at the Jiang's hands, he lit the room when he entered it. 

Still, there were things which the other did and things which he said that confused Lan Zhan. The denial of clothes, the constant worry that he was being a burden or bothering Lan Zhan or the GusuLan sect in general despite it being his brother's orders that he stay here. Both were incredibly confusing. The other seemed to deny aid, feeling that he was unworthy of it and it was something that Lan Zhan did not believe that he would ever quite understand about the other. 

This...This just took the top of the icing. Lan Zhan was utterly confused with the younger's words. This coin was the other's ticket to utter freedom which he had not had before. He would be safe from anyone and everyone one, no matter the circumstance. Nobody dared mess with the ones who held this coin. His brother had just given the other a sure fire way to be protected, no matter where he went, who he interacted with, or what he did...and he wanted to give it back? As in...return it? All because Wei Ying felt that it was wrong to hold onto it? How was it wrong? Lan Zhan's brother had given it to the other. Willingly, it was not as though XiChen had been coerced or forced into doing so, and yet the other seemed to feel that it was a horrible act of disrespect to hold onto the coin for longer than necessary/. It was utterly unexpected, and Lan Zhan could not understand what the youth was thinking in his mind. Why would anyone give up such a treasure? It made no sense to him and he could not understand what the other was mentally going around. 

Even more unexpected was the youth then standing and proclaiming his exhaustion. Lan Zhan was about to simply suggest that they return to their chambers when he fell onto him. Though Lan Zhan could hardly call it falling. It seemed as though Wei WuXian did not simply fall, but utterly collapsed upon him as though his body simply could not handle is weight anymore and he tumbled into his arms. 

Lan Zhan caught him, of course he did, he could not bring himself to allow the youth to tumble to the floor. The confusing thing was that the boy had not seemed all that exhausted so far. Granted, Lan Zhan had already come to the conclusion that the boy was a gifted actor. He was more than capable of fooling the masses. However, the tale tale up and down of his chest, the soft breaths which left his mouth and ghosted on him over his robes, the suddenness. Lan Zhan doubted that he was that gifted of an actor. Then again, the other may be and he just did not know, but for all purposes, it was very obvious that the youth was sleeping.

This left him with only two options to take. Maybe three. He could leave Wei Ying as he was an wait until he woke to bring them both back to their separate chambers and continue his research as he had here. He could also simply wake the other up...yet that did not really sound much appealing to Lan Zhan. The other had clearly not rested for long, or much and he needed rest. This much was obvious. With the amount of wounds that the other had managed to procure, he would need much sleep to aid in their healing. Lan Zhan was not willing to wake the other just because he did not wish for him to be collapsed into his arms. That would be more than cruel, and Lan Zhan did not wish to be  cruel. 

There was, of course, one other option. Something which, though it was...shameless in some regards, was likely the best option which Lan Zhan could come up with at this point. Furthermore, it was understandable given the situation. It was the best...but Lan Zhan was hesitant. He swallowed, thinking of what he should do. The other two options were also available, and yet he found that he did not want to use them. He did not wish to wait here, and he did not wish to wake the other, knowing that he needed sleep more than anything. 

So he swallowed his pride, and gripped the other gently, lifting him securely into his arms, and staring down at the other...entranced. He was so beautiful. Like carved Jade. Precious. Lan Zhan simply could not wrap his head around the other. He furrowed his brows as he walked out of the library, Wei Ying curled deeper into his arms, worried. 

The other was light. Unnervingly light, if he had just been perhaps a bit lighter than normal, Lan Zhan would not have been so worried, but the other was so light that Lan Zhan had no trouble lifting him, and he doubted that even lower cultivators would have much trouble gripping the other. It was concerning in to Lan Zhan. He did not really like it. The other would need to rest, and he would need food. 

Lots of food. 

Lan Zhan did not like that the boy had been...obviously had been...starved. Quite severely at that. He knew that the other was underweight. It was obvious just looking at him. The robes did a fairly good job of hiding it, and Lan Zhan did not particularly like invading the other's space and so he had never watched him really change much. Always proper. It was more than clear upon holding him, however, that the other was underweight. Something he would make sure to rectify.

Lan Zhan hoped that his brother would come quickly. He was not certain exactly how much more he could take. Wei Ying was weighing on his mind like a stone. Emotions were flying through him which he could not fully understand. His brother would, however, and so Lan Zhan needed him to return. Preferably sooner rather than later. He was aware that his brother was doing important business, and he could not interfere with that, he could only hope that his brother finished quickly so that Lan Zhan could ask him what these weird conflicting emotions were. 

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