Robed in White

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Wei Ying scarcely let out a sound as the weapon engraved itself once more upon his marred back. The marks left by Zidian would take a while to heal on any cultivator, let alone one which was so weak and fragile, one such as him. He closed his eyes against the pain, hands curling into the small hut's hardwood floor as Zidian struck him again. Distantly, he could hear the laughter of Jiang Cheng, the heir of the Jiang Sect. Wei Ying could not help but thing that should Jiang Cheng actually become sect leader, things would be far worse for the sect than many seemed to think, or realize. At least the young master had been merciful enough to allow him to remove his robes this time, which could be seen as a curtesy as he did not have many, or as a curse, as the cultivator weapon now had a clearer hit to his flesh.

He whimpered when the next strike hit, simply unable to hold the pain in anymore, as it was too much, just too all-encompassing now. Jiang Cheng paused upon hearing the small sound which passed from his lips. The sect heir crouched down in front of him, placing a hand under his chin and jerking his head up, so that he was forced to look at him.

"I think, perhaps, you have had enough for today, hmm?" Wei Ying knew that he could not speak, but his eyes spoke enough for him. The wide, pleading gaze, tears flowing down his cheeks from the pain caused by the sheer amount of strikes Jiang Cheng had hit him with the purple lightning weapon. The heir sighed, dropping his head, which faced the floor once more. Wei Ying did not dare to move. He remained on his hands and knees, head towards the floor, unable to physically move, even if he really wanted to.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Jiang Cheng asked, a bit mockingly. Wei Ying's breath caught. He dared not to hope. Nodding his head, Wei Ying flinched as he felt Jiang Cheng touch his shoulder, the muscles tensing nervously underneath the contact. "You will not venture from this house again will you?" He asked, voice contemplative, touching his face, and caressing his cheek softly. Wei Ying could do nothing as his heart practically stopped in his chest, nervousness flooding his body. "Not without direct permission from me?" Wei Ying shook his head slowly, but steadily. Jiang Cheng hummed, unsatisfied. "I want to hear you say it."

"N-no, I will n-not leave th-this hut without permission."

"I still think you may need more...incentive." Anxiety crashed through Wei Ying as he heard young Jiang Cheng say such a sentence, his voice low and soft. Wei Ying dropped to the floor, bowing at Jiang Cheng's feet.

"M-Master Jiang, p-please. I-I swear, I-I will not. P-please no more." Jiang Cheng smiled. Wei Ying was only a few months younger than him, but that had no bearing on Jiang Cheng. He took advantage of that fact, and forced Wei Ying to call him by such titles as master.

"What are you..." Jiang Cheng stopped and sighed. "no, I will not use Zidian on you again this day." Wei Ying breathed out softly in relief. He was thankful. "I will, however, leave the spirit dog on this island, to ensure you do not try anything." Wei Ying glanced up sharply at that. Eyes wide in terror. Jiang Cheng knew...somehow, and Wei Ying had yet to figure out how...that the only thing which truly scared him was dogs. Too many bad memories, too many horrifying nights, and terrifying days, which had caused him to become utterly terrified of the furry creatures. Jiang Cheng used it to his advantage more often than not. At the same time, the sect heir found it incredibly aggravating that no matter what he did to Wei Ying, the boy's only true fear remained the blasted creatures.

"Mere, incentive." The other said softly, laughing at his words, and the look of fear on Wei Ying's face, as he turned and walked out of the door. Wei Ying heard the barking of the ever loyal dog which Jiang Cheng held, and scrambled backwards as far as he could, pain flaring through his body. Jiang Cheng looked back at him, noting how his eyes carefully tracked the creature.

"Should I let him in?" He asked darkly. Wei Ying looked at Jiang Cheng, his entire body was trembling in fear, tears filling his eyes once more, this time in fear.

"N-No, p-please, Ma-Master Jiang."

"I am not that heartless," The other scoffed, and closed the door on both himself and the dog, leaving Wei Ying to curl into the corner, flinching every time the dog ever so much as barked. He closed his eyes, tears finally falling. Hatred seeped into his body, flooding him with it. Anger, hatred, annoyance, pure, and ever so dark. His hands trembled, licking his lips he glanced at Qing Chen. The temptation mounted, and mounted, and mounted. Until...

"Senior Wei!" The sound came and he turned quickly, to see the small child, not too much younger than himself rush towards him, trembling in fear. They were both young, no more than seven, if that. He had taken the young child under his wing, after all, the streets were dangerous. He, Wen Ning, Wen Qing, and this young child, Wen Yuan had formed a small bond together. Wen Ning and Wen Qing had disappeared not too long ago, and left the two of them alone. Wei Ying quickly wrapped the boy in his arms.
"What is it?" He asked urgently. Glancing up, he saw what was the matter. Wen guards. Angry. That was never good. His hands trembled, his body shook, but he stared resolutely into the child's eyes. He swallowed. There was not much any of them could do.

"A-Yuan, I need you to do something for me, okay?" The boy nodded, determined. "Run, and find white, and tell them something bad has happened."

"In, white? Senior, why white?" Wei Ying closed his eyes in nervousness. The guards would be upon them soon.

"Because, my mother used to know someone from them. Before she died she said if I ever needed someone to trust, they would be the ones to go to. So...So I need you to go to them, okay? White, with swords on their person. Do not look back, okay?"

"Yes, Senior Wei...Come back, right?" Wei Ying smiled.

"Of course, now go." He pushed A-Yuan away from him, and stood, head held high, as he confronted the guards....

That was right, he had a promise to keep. Yet, that seemed to become ever more unlikely. Who even knew if his makeshift brother was even alive anymore? He doubted it. It was even more unlikely that he had actually managed to find the men in White. After all, he did not even know where they were. Or how to find them. How could A-Yuan find them?

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