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Wei Ying took some time to calm himself. It was hard, his emotions were everywhere, and the anger which he felt was fully justified. The frustration, the fear, and being forced to see the Jiangs again, all of it was straining on him. It hurt him, and he was angry that Sect Leader Jin would ask such a stupid question. He had definitely lashed out a bit more than he would have normally. Perhaps that was not a good thing, but considering he had not been stopped, he would dare say that it was not necessarily a bad thing either. It was obvious that the truth really needed to come out, even if he was the one who had to do the uncomfortable part and force it out. It was bound to happen at some point. Wei Ying knew that, and as such, the guilty part, that was nonexistent. The fear...well, that was still quite real. 

So he had rushed to Lan Zhan at that moment, and Lan Zhan had taken him outside, Wei Ying snatching SiZhui as he went, surprising the youthful Junior, although he would wager that the other was tolerant of the tight grip that he had on him. SiZhui seemed to be deep in thought as well, over what, Wei Ying did not know, but it did not matter to him right now. At the moment, he was just glad that he was surrounded by the Lans, happy to be in their presence. 

"Young Master Wei, you said that you were on the streets in Yiling before the Jiangs took you?" SiZhui spoke slowly. Wei Ying gave the other a confused smile but nodded. It was unfortunate that the others came to know this in such a manner, but he also could not feel bad about it. He supposed he probably should have let them know before hand, but it was too late for that now, unfortunately. 

"Yes, I was, for a while I suppose." 

"Young Master Wei..." SiZhui said with wide eyes. Wei Ying hummed questioning, not understanding what was going on. "" SiZhui seemed almost broken. Wei Ying was getting somewhat concerned, moving towards him carefully, thumbing his cheeks, waiting for him to calm down. "Wei Gege," The words were practically ripped from his throat, and he latched onto Wei Ying tightly. "I found the people in white you know?" He said with a wet laugh. Wei Ying felt his fingers shake as he gently stroked down the boy's back, allowing tears to fall finally. "I found...the white robes..." 

"I am glad," Wei Ying spoke softly, allowing himself to become more confident in comforting SiZhui, breathing in deeply, and calming his own body down from the shock that had temporarily struck him dumb. "Hey, look at me," Wei Ying spoke gently, pulling SiZhui back slightly, he gave him a large smile. "I am glad that you are safe," He said gently. "That is all that I could have asked for, I am glad that you are okay." He gave a small laugh, grabbing him and giving SiZhui a strong hug, allowing his head to drop against the other's shoulders, wrapping his arms around him comfortably. "I did not think I would ever see you again," He whispered, admitting it really hurt, but it hurt less knowing that his A-Yuan was okay. 

"Well, you can't get rid of me that easily." SiZhui huffed. "I remember I followed you around for at least an entire day, before you finally gave him and took me with you." Wei Ying rolled his eyes, pinching SiZhui's cheek. 

"It was not a whole day." 

"Basically a whole day," 

"It was practically an hour," 

"That is like a whole day to a small kid." Wei Ying just shook his head fondly. "Young Master Lan was the one who found me." He whispered. "He was also the one who helped Young Master XiChen convince Uncle Qiren to take me in." Wei Ying turned to look at Lan Zhan in surprise. 


"Yes, I..." SiZhui startled as Wei Ying practically launched himself at Lan Wangji giving him what sounded like a thousand thank yous before practically breaking down in the young Jade's arms. 

"Wangji," XiChen spoke gently, a few hours later, after Wei Ying had ended up passing out, curling around Wangji and SiZhui his other hand having latched onto Jingyi. The Lan had been sitting out, not wanting to intrude, before Wei Ying had frowned and told him Jingyi was just as important to him as SiZhui, and that it was only sense that Wei Ying had practically adopted both the Lans, which had left Jingyi with a large smile on his face, knowing that Wei Ying had seen him as family. 

He had been...well, he had cared for Wei Ying for a while, just like SiZhui. Most of the Lans had been concerned, at least the ones who knew about him. To hear Wei Ying call him basically his baby like SiZhui, while he had to admit it was a bit...weird, he could not bring himself to dislike it. He liked it just as much as SiZhui, both of them flushing when Wei ying called them the little buns. 


"We can go now, the Jiangs are to be executed at sunset, I doubt that Young Master Wei will want to be here when it happens." Wangji was visibly surprised, at least he was visibly surprised to XiChen. "Ah, more evidence had been coming in courtesy of Nie Huaisang, I believe." Wangji tilted his head slightly confused. XiChen gav ea slightly mischeivious smile. "Of course, I would not know if it was due to Nie Huaisang, after all, I am sure that they just happened to over hear that the Jiangs were having a trial and decided to witness." Wangji almost rolled his eyes. Although he was thankful, and XiChen knew it. 


Wangji gently laid Wei Ying down in the Jingshi, nervously thumbing the coin that he had. XiChen's had been returned, and now that the Jiang's were gone, there was no need for Wei Ying to stay here. Although...He felt himself hope...XiChen had been rejected, so of course he was overly nervous, but maybe...just maybe...Wei Ying would accept his? He hoped so, for he did not want Wei Ying to leave, but if he wanted to, he wanted him to feel comfortable returning at any point in time, and he wanted to give We Ying the protection that this coin would offer. 

"Wei Ying," The words were spoken softly when the other finally woke up. Wei Ying glanced up at Wangji and gave him a tired smile. 

"I am sorry, I fell asleep, I did not mean to," He hummed stretching his arms upwards. 

"I..." Wangji swallowed nervously. "The Jiangs are gone now, barring Yanli, who is to be married to ZiXuan in a few months time." He said simply, watching the chorus of emotions flit over his face before it settled on relaxed. "I...Want..." Lan Zhan did not know what to say, and just ended up shoving the coin towards Wei Ying. "For you." He said simply. Wei Ying stared down in shock, eyes wide. 

"Lan Zhan," He whispered softly. "I...I could not possibly..."

"Want Wei Ying to be safe." Wangji said shaking his head and putting it within Wei Ying's hands, closing his fingers over the brand of metal. "I...cannot stop you from leaving. Part of me wants to. If...You insist on leaving. I insist, you take this. I...give it to you." 

"Lan Zhan, you know how important something like this is?" Wei Ying said in disbelief. "Yet you give it to easily." 

"Not easy." Lan Zhan said sharply. "I...Want to be with Wei Ying. I don't want to force you to stay, know you are very....wild soul. So, when you are ready, you have this, to return to Gusu, me." Wei Ying rolled his eyes. 

"Who said I was going to leave?" Lan Zhan stared at him with big eyes. "I mean...Where exactly do I have to go?" Wei Ying whispered to himself. "Everyone I know is here, everyone I care about is here. SiZhui, Jingyi, you...even Master Qiren I have grown a bit fond of."

"Wei Ying...wants to stay?" Lan ZHan whispered, as though he could not believe his words. Wei Ying himself could not believe his own words as he responded positively. 

But in the end, he supposed this was...where he was meant to be. SiZhui was here. Lan Zhan was here. Jingyi was here too, he could not just leave them. Perhaps he wanted to, at some point, but nobody had been there for him like the Lans were. He truly did not know anywhere else he would even want to be in the first place. If he could not be here.

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