―seventeen. great, now we're falling again

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THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT IS A DANGEROUS THING. To have control over any single moment of time, to be able to manipulate the timeline and effect any event in future history - to alter what is meant to be... That is a very powerful thing. And right now? Charlie had control over it. This was a fight she could not risk the chance of loosing. Life as she knew it might be altered permanently if she were to mess this up.

Charlie shuffled her hips backwards, taking Leo into consideration as he still laid in between them, the soft rise and fall of his chest momentarily distracting her. Forcing herself to refocus, she brought her hands together, not interlacing them, as she formed a fist and a flat palm.

She took a deep breath, thinking she was ready, but as her chest had rose so dramatically, Leo was disturbed and his head fell into her eye-line.

''Leo, oh my gods,'' Charlie whispered harshly as a hand moved to push him out of her way half-heartedly, causing it to land on her shoulder. ''Let's try this again. You ready?''

Tongue sticking out, thinking about all that was at stake, she brought her fist up slightly, before slamming it quickly, three times, into her open palm.

''Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!''

Her hands didn't change shape, electing to play rock. There was a mourning silence, and then loud chitters as Raccoon Leo, who had been sat in Real Leo's lap, leaned backwards, pointing at Charlie as he laughed.

 ''Okay, that so does not count. You went a split second after me—''

Leo held up his paw, showing her three slim fingers. He had won the best out of three. Charlie frowned, there goes the timeline she guessed.

''Ha!'' Jason cheered, his fist coming down as he elbowed the space behind him.

Piper groaned dramatically, sending the back of Charlie's head a dirty look as she reached into her pocket, withdrawing two coins and lalkzily dropping them in Jason's awaiting palm. ''How'd you know that Leo would win?''

Jason was grinning widely, counting the coins as if they were dollars before throwing them up slightly and catching them again. ''You mean, 'how'd I know the raccoon would be smarter than Charlie?' I think the better question is: how didn't you?''

Leo stirred. Charlie spun her head to glare at them. ''Great, Jason, as if betting on my downfall wasn't enough — now you've gone and woken up Human Leo.''

''I'm sorry, Human Leo?'' He asked, voice grogy as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

''How else are we meant to differentiate between you and Cool Leo?''

''I'm sorry, 'Cool Leo'? Why is he Cool Leo?'' He was suddenly wide awake, and very offended.

''Uh, because he's cooler than you? I thought that was obvious.''

Jason called out, hands spreading out dramatically in order to get their attention. ''Is it just me, or is it cold?''

Piper nodded, turning to look at him as though she was glad someone finally brought it up. ''Thank you! My bum's suddenly freezing.''

''Wait, so's mine,'' Charlie said, frowning as her brows knitted together. ''Like, very, very cold. Very.''

''How cold was that again, Charlie?'' Leo rolled his eyes.

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