Chapter 15

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"Hello, girls!" Miles greeted us with open arms once we walked into the studio.

We each hugged him before sitting on the couch against the wall. I've been dreading this day, we had to learn some choreography for the tour. I hated dancing! I always felt dumb doing it. It just wasn't my forte.

"So what are we doing today, Miles?" Katy spoke up.

He grinned and clapped his hands, "I'm so glad you asked! Well first we're going to work on some dance moves for about half of the set. How many songs do you have on the set list, again?"

"Eleven," I answered with a smile.

"Good, we can get through five today and six next time, yeah?"

We all agreed, nodding our heads. The girls and I stood up from our seats and followed Miles to the middle of room.

"So first, I want you guys to stretch while I get the music ready," Miles said before walking out of the studio and into the hall.

I tied my untamed hair into a bun, pulling it away from my face. Valerie, Allie, and Katy did the same except Katy and Allie pulled their blond hair into pony tails.

I began to stretch my arms and legs out, feeling less tense than when I walked in here.

Miles walked into the room, "Ok, we're just going to learn the routine for the first song of the set, Track Number One, okay?"

Echoes of "okays" were heard throughout the spacious room but mine sounded uncertain.

Mike showed us the dance moves that looked way too complicated for me to handle. I started to bite my nails - an act that I've noticed I had when I got nervous.

"Do you girls understand? Ask questions if not."

I looked to the girls to see if they understood it, they were all nodding their heads. Oh.

"Wait, what comes after the turning thing?" I asked.

I could see him sigh, "You walk across the stage and just jump to the beat."

I nodded. Miles saying to dance with him this time. He played the song and stood in front of us, all of us facing the mirror.

"Five, six, seven, eight!"

I only danced with them for ten seconds before forgetting what the next move was. I panicked and began doing a random dance that came to my mind. I did the sprinkler.

Miles noticed, turning off the music, "Alex, you didn't do the hip swaying with us."

I scrunched my nose in distaste. I am not doing any hip swaying, especially if it's in sync with the girls. If you haven't noticed, I like to do my own thing, not something planned and really expectable.

"Can't we just freestyle it?" I asked hopefully.

He sighed once again, "But I want you're girls' performance to be amazing."

"It will be, just let us do something unpredictable."

"Alex, this is your first tour, we need it to be flawless..." he trailed off.

I groaned in protest, "Please, Miles, at least let us make up half of the set list?"

He nodded, rolling his eyes, "I guess so..." The girls and I cheered and engulfed him in a group hug. "Let's get five of these dances taught to you girls now so we can just rehearse them next time. Come on, ladies, we have a show to prepare for!"


"Val, hurry up, you're so slow!" I yelled over my shoulder as my left foot pushed against the gray cement and I glided through the streets of Los Angeles with my skateboard - which I have named Archimedes. Valerie was with me following behind on her penny board named Nemo. She was a few feet away from me as she liked to skate safely and slowly, making sure she doesn't run into anyone. In contrast, I enjoyed speeding through the pools of people, feeling the wind blow through my flannel that hung on my waist.

"You know that's not safe, Alex! Slow down for a second," Val shouted to me and I stopped, waiting for her to catch up.

Her breathing was uneven and I could hear her gasps of air, "Do you want to sit down for a bit?" She nodded and we sat at the nearest bench.

I pulled a water bottle from my backpack and handed it to her. She chugged half of it down in twenty seconds at most and put the cap back on the bottle afterwards, "Thanks."

"It's not a problem," I shrugged, "wanna do some shopping while we're here?"


We saw that across the street was an American Apparel and looked both ways before jogging to the other side of the street. We walked in and went to a random section of the store.

I pulled out a black, mesh shirt from a rack, "How does this look?"

"That is totally you! We should try on a bunch of clothes," she said excitedly seeing as we haven't done that in ages due to our busy schedules.

"Sounds like a plan."

Valerie and I split up, agreeing to meet at the dressing rooms in ten minutes. I began pulling random articles of clothing that I found cool off racks and stacking them on my arms. I thought about what I could wear on tour and picked my clothes wisely.

After the ten minutes were up I stood in front of the dressing rooms waiting for Valerie to meet me and shortly saw her walking my way, "Why so much black?" she laughed.

"I like black, you can pretty much pair it with anything," I saw her roll her eyes and decided to pick on her clothing picks, "why so much floral?"

She frowned and buried her eyebrows like a child, "Hey, I like floral!"

"Kidding!" I smiled at her as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Let's try on some clothes, shall we?"

"We shall."

We walked into two different stalls and I began to change into the first outfit. It was denim overall shorts with a black crop top underneath. I decided to pair the outfit with some platform boots I found in the store.

I was looking at myself in the full length mirror when I heard Val call my name from the stall across from me, "Alex, are you already in your first outfit?"

"Yeah, are you?" I spoke while flattening my hair, attempting to tame it.

"Yup," she said popping the 'p', "come out now so we can show each other our outfits."

I unlocked the stall door and stepped out to see Val in a floral skater dress. She paired it with some flats that had little bows on the top of them.

"Your outfit is so cute!" I gushed, placing my hands on either side of my face to further express how I felt about her outfit.

A smile spread across her face, "Aw thanks! I'm liking the overalls."

"Shall we try on the next outfit?" I asked while stepping behind the door.

"Yes!" Valerie shouted and giggled afterwards.

I pulled the clothes I wore off and placed them back on their assigned hangers and decided I would make a pile of what to buy and what not to buy. Right now, the pile of what not to buy was empty. I began to pull the first article of clothing from my second outfit over my head, following with the next, and so on.

A.N. hey guys so yay new chapter! hope you guys liked this bc this is my first time writing in a while so :-))) make sure to follow me on any of my social media stuff
instagram: @/just.lil.ariel
twitter: @/just_lil_ariel
tumblr: @/arielzona
snapchat: @/ariel.zona
and if you want my kik or something then just message me! BYE

love always,

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