Chapter Eight

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I took my time walking into the bland white room, the girls in front of me. Following the two blonds and brunette into our seats across from Stan, we waited for someone to talk first.

Stan was the first to speak, "Are you guys ready to meet one of your opening acts for the tour?"

We nodded enthusiastically, wide grins spread across our faces. Turning to face the open door, a girl with red, long, wavy hair walked into the office room. In one hand she held a guitar and with the other she pushed her sunglasses up to the top of her head, revealing the most prettiest hazel eyes I've ever seen. They had flicks of gold in it, light green and light brown covering the rest. She stood in the middle the room, with a Cheshire Cat smile as we stared at her in awe.

"This is Noel Sylvester, she's from Miami, Florida."

Allie, Katy, Valerie, and I stood up to shake her hand and introduce ourselves.

"Hi," she sputtered, "Sorry, it's just - I'm a really huge fan!"

"That's great!" Katy smiled sweetly towards her.

I looked at her acoustic guitar, "You brought a guitar with you, are you any good?"

She nodded with a shrug, "I guess, that's why I'm here, right?"

"Can you sing us something?" Valerie asked and the girls and I nodded in agreement.

Noel took a seat, resting her instrument on her lap. She strummed a couple of chords before singing, "We only miss the lights when it's burning low..."

I smiled at her song choice, I really like her. Usually I judge people before they even have a full conversation with me but I automatically knew we would be friends - I sound creepy.

She ended the song, the girls I clapping immediately after. Noel blushed and smiled, "How'd you guys like it?"

"Amazing!" I cheered and we all laughed. "Ok, how old are you?" I started my interrogation.

"17," she smiled and I mentally cursed at myself for being the youngest yet again.

"Have any siblings?"

"A younger brother."

"How old is he?"


I smiled slightly, "Is he good looking?"

"Alex!" The girls exclaimed while Noel took out her phone, then showing me a photo of her brother.

My grin only got wider, "Not bad, when do I get to meet him? What's his name?"

"When we do a concert in Florida, his name is Ethan."

I continued to throw questions at the girl as Valerie, Katy, and Allie rolled their eyes. We stayed there for an hour and a half joking around and such.

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