Chapter 16

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The hallways were dark and silent in the small theatre; no one spoke a word as we walked towards our destination. We all looked around in awe, following the people who were going to be working backstage at the girls' and I's concerts. They were going to work the lights and other technical stuff.

As we arrived to the stage Allie, Katy, Valerie, and I gasped. It was bigger than we expected.

"So do you want us to run through the show now?" I asked, setting my backpack on the side of the stage. The girls did the same as the stage manager, Jeff, thought for a second.

He looked around and shrugged, "Be ready in ten minutes, we're going to test the lights right now." He gathered all of the crew members and walked off the stage.

We sat in a small circle, drinking water and playing on our phones - probably all on social media. We had no need to talk as there was nothing to talk about, we sat in silence as the lights turned on and off again, changing colors every once in a while.

"Who has the set list?" Valerie asked, never looking up from her phone.

I looked up to see no one speaking up, "I last saw Allie with it."

I saw Allie nod her head, trying to find the paper from her purse blindly while still typing on her phone. She threw it towards the middle of the circle and I picked it up.

"So, we should write in where each of us should talk, you know, to interact with the audience," I said as I scanned the paper, ideas of where to talk already popping into my head.

Katy chuckled, "Oh, look at Alex taking charge."

"Hush," I blushed and laughed. I took out a pen from my backpack and began to write arrows in between every couple of songs to show when we would take turns talking.

We all began planning who would talk when and what they would say when Jeff said they were done testing everything. "You girls should do a run through before it gets too late."

We nodded and stood in our first set of positions on the stage, the band we had came out and got into their places.

"Let's start from the beginning!" Allie spoke loudly so everyone could hear. I nodded, holding my microphone at my side.

I heard the clicks from our drummer, Leo, as he counted us off, "One, two, three, four..."

The band started playing the introduction of Track Number One and Valerie started to sing her verse.

We sang a couple of songs after that and took a couple of minutes pretending to interact with the audience.

"Ok, so I'll go 'what's up, New York!' or wherever we are. Then someone else will be like, 'how is everyone?' and we'll go from there," I turned away from the empty seats to look and the girls and the band to see if they understood and they nodded their head.

Katy spoke enthusiastically, "Yeah, and we can tell stories or something. Like, talking about how the band was created."

"That's a good idea, we could also tell embarrassing stories of each other," Allie laughed.

Valerie snorted, "Like that one time you thought the dog food was human food." Valerie, Katy, and I chuckled while Allie rolled her eyes.

"That was, like, two years ago..."

"What was two years ago?"

All the girls snapped their heads towards the familiar accent coming from the entrance at the back of the room.

"Niall!" We laughed and jumped off the stage, running towards Niall - who was with his other band members.

We all engulfed him in a group hug as I saw the other boys pouting, "Come here, you fools," Katy giggled.

Our group hug lasted for a couple of seconds before Niall started to push us all away, "I can't breath!"

"Why are you guys here?" Valerie asked.

Liam raised his eye brow, "What? We can't see our favorite girl band rehearse?" I saw Zayn nudge Liam with his elbow, "I mean, one of our favorite girl bands."

We all laughed as Zayn smiled shyly. We all started talking for a bit until we realized that we still needed to rehearse. The girls and I started it from where we left off and started singing one of the songs from our album.

We started to sing and unfortunately, this was one of the songs that had choreographed dancing. I stood next to Allie as we had to sway our hips to the beat.

"GET IT, ALEX!" I heard Harry yell at me, to which I flipped him off.

I danced along to Katy's singing, trying not to make it obvious that I forgot the moves and am subtly watching Valerie to see what I was supposed to be doing.

"I just want to be free..." Katy sang the last note -which happened to be a very high note that I wish I could hit, but am not even close to it. We ended the song and I fist bumped her as I took a swig from my water bottle.

"WOOOO!" The One Direction guys cheered as we began to collect our things. I laugh a blew them all a kiss, noticing Harry catch it and put it in his pocket. I rolled my eyes at the cheesy move.

Stan walked into the stage, "Good run through, girls." We thanked him, giving him a smile.

"Are we rehearsing tomorrow too?" Valerie asked.

Stan shook his head, "No, the day after that you will though. Noel is rehearsing tomorrow." We nodded and said our goodbyes to him and the band, walking over to the boys.

"That was so good!"

"The notes you girls hit are unbelievable!"

"I'm so happy for you all!"

We thanked them and walked out to the parking lot with them. The cold New York air feeling fresh on my skin, the contrast nice compared to the hot stuffy theatre.

"Hey, Alex, can I talk to you for a second?" Harry tugged on my arm and pulled me away from the group - that were too focused on their conversation to notice us walking away from them.

We were only around the corner of the building, not that far from the group. I looked up at Harry and smiled, "What's up?"

He scratched the back of his neck and looked down, "I wanted to ask you a question, is that alright?" I nodded as a sign to continue, "Would you - uhm- maybe, want to go out on a date with me?"

A.N. haha i updated after 10 billion years :) hope ya'll enjoyed it

love always,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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