Chapter Twelve

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"I'm going to miss you so much!" I cried as I held onto my mom for dear life. It was early in the morning, the sun not even out. My arms were wrapped around my mom's neck with my head nuzzled in the crook of her neck.

Her body shook as she sobbed into my hair, my sweater getting wet as I knew I was doing the same to her cardigan, "You know I don't like seeing you leave. You will always be my little girl, I love you."

I pulled away from her as she kissed my cheek. I turned to my dad, giving him a tight hug and he whispered into my ear, "See you soon, Honey. Love you."

"Arabella," I turned to her with a sad smile.

She had tears already building up, "Alex."

I tackled her in a hug and laughed, "I'm gonna miss you, you little dipshit."

"You too, butthole," she smiled at me, wiping the tears falling freely from her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you more."

I took my suitcase handle in my hold, one of our many body guards holding two of them, and I adjusted my duffle bag over my shoulder. I walked to the gates with the girls and our body guards by my side. We made it through security easily and walked onto the plane silently, still crying over leaving our families.

We boarded and I didn't bother talking to anyone, I knew everyone was as exhausted as I was, seeing as it was four a.m.. I took my regular seat in the back corner of the private plane, grabbing a throw blanket from my bag and wrapping myself in it. I shut my eyes and drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep, already missing the feeling of my small, old my bed at home.


I woke up from my nap after tossing and turning for half of it. I immediately felt better after my slumber, but I just have to get used to this life. Allie, Katy, and Valerie were sleeping softly, the only noise was the quiet snores coming from their parted lips. Feeling more like myself, I decided it would be mischievous to snap a picture of them and upload it to Twitter and Instagram.

With a smirk forming across my lips, I unraveled myself from the blue fabric that covered my body and crawled onto the floor on my hands and knees. I inched my way to Allie first, who was two rows ahead of my seat, kneeling in front of her. I took out my phone from my back pocket, taking a quick shot of her with her body sprawled out across three seats and her blanket lying on the plane floor below her. I tried to bite back a chuckle, moving to Valerie next. Her body was curled up in a ball so I barely saw any of her face but I took a photo anyway. I would laugh every so often as I crawled to Katy.

Having an obnoxious, loud laugh comes with consequences. Luckily, the girls were still asleep but the security guards weren't. James peeked his head through the curtain from the back curiously, scanning his eyes over the area. When his eyes landed on me he shook his head disapprovingly. I quickly stood up and tried to act like I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Alex, sit down in your seat," he pointed to the corner. I rolled my eyes but obeyed his order, getting used to being bossed around. I slumped in my seat, tucking my feet under my body and James joined me, sitting next to me. "You cant keep doing this, Alex..."

I looked at him confusingly, "What do you mean?"

He gave me a sincere look, "You have to stop acting so immature. I know you're still a kid, but you have to grow up. You're sixteen, normal teens would be going to house parties and going to proms... but you're not a normal teen. You're Alex Walker, World Famous Pop Star! You're a celebrity, so you have to act like one."

"No... No!" I shook my head vigorously. "I'm not going to turn into one of them. I like being a kid and I'll grow up when I'm older but I'm not there yet. You can't just tell me to become more mature, this is my personality not managment's."

James put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, Stan told me to tell you. Keep it in mind though?"

"I can't, it's not me. I won't be like those celebrities, I want to be different."

"Fine, but I blame you if I get in trouble," he teased with a small smile and light punch to my arm.

I hugged the buff man that I've known for a year now and laughed, "Do you happen to know where the food is?"

He deeply chuckled, standing up and led me to the back where three of our body guards were; Allen, Flynn, and Mark. The girls and I all had our own personal body guards, even though the men said it was their duty to protect all of us. James was our main body guard, which also happens to be my personal guard seeing as everyone thought I needed the most protection. Allie had Flynn, Valerie with Mark, and Katy claimed Allen.

I waved to the guards and made my way to the big suitcase they had for all of us that was filled with snacks. I snatched the bag of Doritos and sat near the men, joining in on their conversation. It took me a while to know what they were talking about.

"So, repeat what we're going to do when we land," Flynn spoke in a confused tone.

James interlocked his hands over his lap, "It will be around four p.m. when we land, so there will more and likely be fans there. We have to be out of there as soon as possible, then go to the hotel. Simple."

The guards nodded understandingly. I spoke up after making sure I wasn't going to interupt, "Will we have time to meet fans?"

Mark nodded, "But you don't have a lot of time, only about ten minutes to sign autographs and take pictures but we would have to leave straight away."

"What are we doing the next day?" I questioned.

"Free day. We might be jet-lagged so we need to get our sleeping schedule back, it is three hours ahead in New York," Flynn answered me.

I approved by bobbing my head. It was in that moment when I remembered I had to post the pictures of Valerie and Allie, not having Katy's because of James checking in. I snickered as I put the two photos into a collage.

James noticed the action and looked up at me from his phone, "What are you doing?"

I didn't want him to know I was still posting the pictures after the talk we had so I said the first excuse that came to mind, "Penis'." My cheeks reddened at my vulgar words and I coughed uncomfortably, "I'm looking at penis'..."

The guys looked at me with wide eyes as the shifted in their seats, "Maybe you should look at them- " Flynn cleared his throat, "elsewhere..."

I tried my hardest not to laugh at the sight of them rubbing the back of their necks and looking just plain awkward. I failed miserably and rolled onto the floor laughing, "You guys-" I interrupted myself by my roaring of laughter, "are so gullible!"

Their faces turned bright red as they glared at me, "That wasn't funny!"

I nodded, disagreeing with them, "I was kidding, I just read something funny." I guess I was good at lying because they still believed me and nodded.

I sat up in my seat, fixing my posture as all the girls walked in, "What's with all the noise?" Valerie asked bothered. They looked as if they had just woke up abruptly with their hair messy and their voices groggy, but I couldn't blame them with my loud, annoying laugh.

"Oh, nothing," I acted calm. The guys seemed to have caught on as they shrugged with their attention on their electronics.

"You guys are lame," I heard Katy mumble under breath as Allie and Valerie followed her out of the room.

As soon as we were sure they were sleeping after hearing their snores again, we laughed as quietly as we could by holding our palms over our mouths, only hearing strangled chuckles.


A.N. heeeeey! So I know some people are waiting for Harry to come into the story but we're almost there! You guys just have to wait until the next chapter or the one after that.

Oh and I'm thinking of changing my updating schedule... To whenever I feel like it I guess. Maybe I should have vote goals? Like, I give you a certain amount if votes until I update. Nah that's lame.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter because I enjoyed writing it (well, typing it) PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND MAYBE RECOMMEND? THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL! XOXO

Love Always,


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