Part Seven: Here comes trouble

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Ooh I wonder what could happen now? Let's find out.

Hopefully I'll try my best with writing some drama in here~



Some fast food place
(Sousuke's pov)

Today started off dreary and unpleasant, so I met up with Makoto. Apparently I wasn't the only one feeling down today.

After our touching moment in the rain, we stopped off to eat somewhere. All was going well, until we heard a single voice call Makoto's name.

Nagisa and me don't really get along, but we don't hate each other either. It's more like our personalities don't go together. In my words, he is way to hyper and noisy to me.

We couldn't just avoid him, since he saw us clearly in his path. So we had to play along. Maybe he won't suspect anything between me and Makoto.

Nagisa was here with Rei, probably going to run some errands or just hang out. He practically dragged the blue haired boy over in his way to us.

"Good morning Mako-chan! Good morning Sou-chan! What brings you here this fine morning?" The energetic blonde spoke loudly. He is way to hyper for this time of day. Not knowing what to say myself, Makoto spoke up instead.

"Good morning, Nagisa and Rei. I was just getting some fresh air today, but then I ran into Sousuke and we started talking." He lied to the two before him. Makoto is a pretty good liar I got to admit. Whenever I lie it is always some crazy excuse that is clearly a lie, so I usually don't even answer in the first place.

"Oh I see. Do you and Sousuke get along then? You guys like usually never talk to each other. In fact, I think this is the first time I've ever seen you two together, right Rei-chan?" Nagisa questioned. Rei nodded in response.

"Yeah, me and Sousuke get along pretty well. Once you get to know him, he's pretty nice." Makoto told Nagisa. What did he mean I'm nice when you get to know me? Well it is true that I have a bit of a mean face, maybe that's what he meant.

"Hey, since we have a full day ahead of us, do you guys wanna join me and Rei? We were gonna go to the mall and window shop for crazy things." Nagisa offered, putting his hands in our table.

I didn't really want to and I could tell Makoto felt the same way. I guess it's time for me to commence the lying. I hope I don't screw it up.

"Well actually me and Makoto were gonna go to the library. To be honest, I need a little help with math and Rin is off with his girlfriend again today." I tried my best to sound like I was telling the truth. I just hope he bought it.

"Oh school stuff. I see. Well I try to avoid that stuff in the weekends, so you to go have fun! Come in Rei-chan, let's leave these nerds." Nagisa cringed away, dragging Rei with him. In a moment, they were gone.

Makoto sighed in relief, and so did I. I forgot that Nagisa is one that tries to do as little as he can,with anything relating to school. And thanks to that my lie was successful.

"Thanks Sousuke. I wasn't really feeling up to an outing with that hyperactive little blonde. He may be my friend, but he can get quite annoying at times. At least it wasn't Kisumi." Makoto said while scratching his head. Thank god it wasn't Kisumi, he would have never bought any of my lies. Plus he might have tried to set us up with other girls, being the ladies man he is.

We stayed sitting for a while, then we cleaned up and left the place. It was still raining quite a bit, but it seemed more peaceful. It was a little chilly, but Makoto's warm hand in,mine made me feel a bit warmer.

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