Part Nine: It's a Friday fun day

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Yay Fridays are always fun.

But yeah, I don't know how it goes with this part, but at least it's going to take place on a Friday in the story plus I started writing this in Friday.


After swim practice
(Makoto's pov)

This week has been hectic, but at least today's a Friday. Ren still has yet to accept me for being gay, calling me insults and avoiding me whenever he can. He's even doing the same to Ran because she's on my side. I hope he's just going through a phase, I really hope so.

Haru wasn't accompanying me on the way home, he actually went and got a part time job. He said he just wanted a little extra cash in his wallet. Probably to buy more pool related things. Meanwhile, I was left to walk home alone with no one but my thoughts.

When I neared the corner, I saw Ran, she must have just come from school . She looked a bit upset, so I went over to her.

"What's the matter, Ran? Everything all right?" I asked, concerned. She turned to look at me but just replied with "it's nothing" and we walked home silently.

Ren was still his usual brooding self when we got home, Mom was watching the news, and Dad was working in the computer. At least Mom and Dad were supportive, they have been trying all they can to make him change his mind.

Ran went to the kitchen for a snack, so I joined her. While we were eating, Ren came downstairs. He just looked at us with his usual glare and went to get a drink.

"Hey Ren, how are you today?" I asked him, trying to make some small talk. I just heard him grumble "fine" and kept looking in the fridge for that drink. After he found it, he went to leave the room. But before he left, he turned to me and Ran.

"Oh yeah, I'm having a friend come over today. So please don't embarrass me. He's new to the school, so I want to give him a good first impression." He told us before walking up the stairs.

"A friend? Has Ren already replaced me or something?" Ran looked at me a bit sad. I can tell that Ren is hurting her more than me. I just told her that this might actually be his first friend besides her, which pretty much is true, and that he doesn't want to mess this up. He would probably act the same way of he wasn't mad at us.

After our snack, I went up to my room. I told Ran she could hang with me since Ren had someone over. I was lying in the floor on my stomach while Ran spun around in my spinny chair. All of a sudden my phone buzzed, and Ran was closer so she picked it up. I tried grabbing it from her, but I failed.

"Ooh who's this Sousuke?" She asked me with a sly grin on her face. I wonder what the text said.

"Ran, that's my boyfriend. Now hand it over Missy." I told her while holding my hand out. In response Ran just giggled like a little schoolgirl and handed it over. "Ok" she said smiling big.

I checked my phone, and the text was indeed from Sousuke.

Hey Makoto, I was wondering of we're still on for going out today?

I totally forgot about that. We we're going to go to the arcade today, since we both learned we have a passion for video games/games in general. I was excited to go, but then I looked at Ran.

I could tell Ran was feeling really left out and hurt from Ren, so I had a crazy idea.

Oh yeah of course, but I have one slight request.

Sure of course. What kinda request is it?

Well ya see......I told you about my family learning I was gay, right?

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