Part Twelve: A new beginning

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Oooh such a mysterious and poetic sounding title, but just what could it mean? Just read to find out I guess.

Not much is planned for this part, just kinda sweet and simple I guess.


(Makoto's pov)

Today was going to be fun. It was Samezuka's school festival and me and the rest of the Iwatobi swim club were going. Haru was interested in going since Rin told him not to come. Rin should've known better, whenever you tell someone like Haru not to come, he will not listen. It makes me wonder what exactly his club is doing.

We were looking around at the booths outside, with Nagisa wanting to try all the food.  We even got to see the school's mascot, which sure was something let me tell ya. Even Rei said it wasn't beautiful, but Haru begged to differ.

While Nagisa and Rei were questioning what it could be, a young girl accidentally ran into Haru.

"Are you all right?" Haru asked politely, holding out his hand which they shyly accepted.

"Wow, Haru-chan looks like a prince!" Nagisa happily said to Rei and I. "But what is a girl in a maid costume doing at an all boys school?" I questioned. Then it all hit us, hard.

"Nitori?!?" We all said in unison.

"Ah! Oh it's you guys!" Nitori said embarrassed while Nagisa surveyed his outfit. I had to stop Nagisa before he took it a little too far. Nitori then showed us to the swim club's booth, which was appropriately named by Rin, "Samezuka's maid café from hell". Nice naming, Rin.

Before we went in, Nagisa playfully nudged me. "Eh Mako-chan, I bet you're excited to see Sou-chan in a maid outfit, right?" He said grinning at me mischievous. "Nagisa! Don't say stuff like that! And we don't even know for sure if he is going to wear one." I snapped back at him. That then got me thinking, what if Sousuke was wearing a maid outfit. I don't think I would be able to handle that, it would be too embarrassing for me and for Sousuke.

When we went in, we were greeted by Rin. To much of our surprise, and Haru's disappointment, Rin was dressed as a butler.

"Aww you're a butler. I guess that means I can't take embarrassing pictures of you for blackmail." Haru pouted, holding his camera.

"Like hell I would wear a maid outfit, Haru. What kinda friend are you anyway?" Rin scowled back. As the two of them were fighting, I surveyed the Café for Sousuke. Yet the only others I recognized were Nitori and Momo. I wonder where he could be. Either way, I hope he's not doing anything that requires hard work. It was only about a week or so ago that he got out of the hospital, so he still needs to take it easy.

"Hey Makoto, ya looking for Sousuke or something?" Rin asked. "Oh....ummm" I stuttered out.

"Don't worry, he's not in a maid outfit if that's what you were wondering. He's in charge of the food instead." Rin informed me. Whew, I'm glad I don't have to face that. I mean it's not like I wouldn't enjoy it or anything, but it might just be a little bit too much for me now.

After we were greeted, we got a table and got some food. I got to admit, Sousuke's not a bad cook. After we ate, Rin took a break from the café and so did Sousuke. Then we all went together to see the rest of the school.

After walking around a bit, Nagisa noticed a booth that had water guns. "Hey guys! Let's all have a water gun fight! Come on, it sounds like a ton of fun!" Nagisa jumped around excitedly. A water gun fight actually doesn't sound too bad. Everyone else must have thought so too, since they all agreed.

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