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as my wrists bleed
my eyes do too
just know
i'm not doing this
to hurt you
this is my
final good bye
in the puddle
of scarlet
i lay in
i know
it wont be
long until
i say goodbye
to life
just know
i love you
i just dont
know what else
to do
i asked for help
but all
they did
was take me
farther away
from you
i want you to
hear my final lullaby
i wrote it just for you
hushabye baby
i'm almost dead i know because
i'm laying in a puddle of scarlet red
with eyes of scarlet
and tears on my face
i pray to you my heart to take
for i wont need it anymore
cause the white light
is just beyond that broken
so goodbye to you
and know i do
love you
dont miss me
for i'll always be here
with you
just close your eyes
and i'll hold you close
but goodbye my end is close

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