Just ignore it.

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Just ignore it and it'll go away.
That's what they tell you
To keep bullies away
Eventually they get bored and move on
So tell me when that's supposed to happen?
It's been going on since grad school
Oh wait...
I was the problem..
I didn't ignore them
I screamed and fought back
Because I really didn't need to be another punching bag.
But I was the problem when they called me names
Told me I was unwanted
I was the problem when all I'd do was sleep or read
My school work wasn't done
I didn't participate.
So tell me how I was the problem.
When I didn't even speak
I wished to be invisible
But the was a dream. 
I was the bitch...
I was laughed at and pranked because I'd get blamed anyway.
But tell them to just ignore it
They'll get bored and go away..
I bet that what they all heard before they died.
Don't tell them to ignore it because it worse than it seems
What you see it not always everything.
Don't say they get bored because believe me they won't.
They just find different way to make it even worse.
So get shoved in lockers
Pants in the quad
Some get their homework stolen
Or never eat lunch
Don't tell them to ignore it
Because they cry themselves to sleep
Thinking it's there fault
For being
A geek..
Those who tell them to ignore have never felt this way
If they did then they're lucky I must say.
It's may get better as time goes on
Take a breath try to relax and let it wash off
But hearing these things everyday
Breaks down the truth
And eventually even the brightest person loses the honest truth.
So please stop telling them ignore them they'll go away
Think about those children who will never live another day
Because no.one believed them
Or no one really cared..
Thought it was childish things
And they hid it really well..
Stop telling them to ignore it because it only makes it worse.
Say something tell the truth
Because believe me no one know how much it hurts
Like I do.

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