when it happens.

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When it happens to someone else
You say "it wouldn't happen to me"
"I wouldn't be that stupid"
"They'd never hurt me"
When it happens to someone else
You say "poor thing they should leave them
But let me say
The person that it's happening to
Said the exact same thing
Right before it started
The someone else that's going through this
Has tried to leave
But have no where to go
The shelters are full
There none close by
When it happens to someone else
You never think it'll happen to you
But you never know
Not for sure
One too many drinks
The wrong thing said
Simply a bad day
You never think it'll happen to you
U til you sitting waiting
In a
hospital room..
Police station..
Covered in your own blood
Their hand prints
And many a bruise.
When it happens to some else
Remember it could just as easily be you.

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