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{Bakugo POV}

It happened way too fast. The building came crashing down just as Deku fell.

Something wasn't right. An eerie feeling sent a shiver down my spine. The green gauntlets on my wrists felt heavy as the dust slowly cleared. This was way too weird.

We had been sent on a mission. There were a group of villains attacking a city mall, so us, being interns, were sent out with the pro-heroes. Deku, Icy-Hot, and I were interns under Endeavor.

"Someone help!"

Screams filled the air as I jumped into the rubble.

"Bakugo! The building's unstable!" Icy-Hot said. "There are civilians still in danger!"

"Then go save them yourself, you bastard! Deku's down there!" Was I the only one with this feeling? Was I the only one who saw him fall?

A flash of dirty green caught my eye, so I ran towards it, my heart thumping against my chest.

Don't you dare fucking die on me!

Deku was fainted, leaning against a wall. He looked like he was sleeping. A large piece of the wall was resting on his bloody leg. Blood dribbled down his neck.

"Deku!" He didn't wake. Using my quirk, I broke off the wall, helping him up. "Fucking—! Wake up!"

His arms were limp, swinging helplessly. I jumped out of the area as the ceiling came crashing down. Dust filled with air again. His blood rubbed against me, making me shudder.

"Wake up! Stupid Deku!" His breathing was weak against my ear.

"Bakugo! Midoriya!"

"Go call a fucking medic, idiot!"

"I did!"

Some guy in orange clothing rushed in, using some kinda quirk to create an oxygen mask. Deku gasped, his chest heaving up and down.

"I need an IV and a stretcher. Takaoka, call any nearby hospitals! We need as many doctors available!"

He was taken away, rushed into an ambulance. I couldn't go because of some other responsibilities.

"Hell be okay." Icy-Hot said, as we rushed to save more injured people. "Don't worry."

"I'm not fucking worrying, bastard."

He's Deku. He's gonna be alright.

. . .


"His eardrum was ruptured by an extremely strong blast wave." The doctor explained. "He might...lose his hearing."

"A blast wave? As in...an explosion?" Auntie asked.

"It seems so."

An explosion?

"Oh no...Not...no..." Auntie started to cry as Mom hugged her. I stared at Deku, who was on a hospital bed, unconscious.

An explosion? Were there any explosions loud enough to make him lose his hearing, besides mine?

"Is there a way he can heal?"

"Only in rare cases. Unfortunately, he's not one of them...we're terribly sorry we couldn't do anything...the hair cells in his ears were damaged beyond repair. Hearing aids may help, but other then that, there's not much we can do."

"Right...thank you for your efforts, Doctor..."

They left the room after checking his vitals and shit. Blank-minded, I flopped myself on a chair next to his bed. Mom and and Auntie left the room, hoping to calm her down.

"Oi, fucking Deku." I couldn't help but laugh, still in disbelief. Was this happening? Maybe this is just a fucking shitty dream. "You're fucking with me, right?

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