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{Midoriya POV}

"Okay, I think I got it."

"Look, Izuku, I can go with you..." I stared at Haru, who's pupils shook. His lip trembled as his hands anxiously grabbed at each other.

I smiled, placing my hands over his. "Don't worry, Haru. I'm sure you want to help, but I don't want you to risk yourself. You've done plenty. Thank you."

Besides, I don't want him to get in the way of my attacks. If they're as strong as Haru says, I need to go all out.

"Here." He activated his quirk, a cloud of white glitter surrounding my body. When they touched my body, the glitter turned green, black, white...

"This is...!"

"Your hero suit." He shyly rubbed his head. "I only made it from memory, and you can't exactly use anything on it, but if it makes you feel more comfortable..."

"Yeah! It does! You're amazing, thank you!"

"Haha, it's really no big deal..."

After waving goodbye to everyone, I set off for the enemy's base.

Negotiate first. If they refuse to listen, you need to kill them as fast as possible.

. . .

The base was huge. The walls were black and gray. It looked like a spaceship, kind of.

A platform led up to the entrance, where two humanoid shadows stood with large spears.

I walked up, on guard. The guards didn't seem to notice me, but I knew they were going to kill me if I made a wrong move.

I stopped in front of the door. I looked closer, realizing the guards were human. "I want to talk to your leader, please."

"What brings you here, survivor?"

"I'm here to negotiate." I said, nervously biting my lip, before lifting my arms up in surrender. "I'm unarmed. And I promise not to hurt anyone as long as no one hurts me. I'm only here to talk."

They looked at each other before opening up the entrance. "Follow me."

Inside, the walls were covered with pipes and machinery, all rumbling in a low growl. The area was empty as if we were the only people here. My feet echoed against the probably hollow floor as we went through many doorways and passages. I kept the pattern of turns in mind as we stopped at a door.

One of them took off their gloves and placed their hand on a scanner. It glowed green with approval as the doors slid open.

We walked in, the door closing behind us. The room looked familiar.

Too familiar.

"This is—"


Right in front of my eyes, the guards literally disappeared, as if they were made of air. The white room still had its floating furniture.


An evil laugh echoed through the room, making me stop in my tracks. I looked around, wondering where it was coming from.

"I can't believe you fell for that, Izuku!" In front of me, a portal appeared, revealing Haru.


"I thought you were the smartest kid in class after Katsuki."

"Kacchan? How do you know Kacchan? What's going on?"

"Do I need to spell everything out for you?" He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "You were TRICKED, doofus."

I blinked, confused. "But...what about the guards, and the enemy, and everything...?"

He snapped, which must've triggered something because the room suddenly changed to Haru's base.


"Illusion." He said, snapping his fingers again to reveal a beautiful scene of the sunset. "Don't you see, Izuku? Nothing around you is real."

He walked over to me, making me back away in shock. He grabbed my hand pulled me towards him, but my body went right through.

"See? Even I'm not real." He let me go as I tumbled onto the ground. One of my hearing aids fell off, so I couldn't hear from one ear. He walked over to me, bending down in front of me. His hand touched my cheek. "You're so perfect, Izuku. I'll even forgive you for losing your hearing."

He pulled my other hearing aid out, and I plunged into a silence once again, making me groan.

He smiled gently at me, before planting a kiss on my nose. The wall behind me stopped me from backing away any further. My chest raised and lowered shakily as he stood up.

You can stay in here so I never lose you again, Izuku. Consider this as a sign of my love for you. We're meant to be.

And with that, he disappeared into another portal. I grabbed the hearing aid that had fallen out and placed it back in my ear. He had taken the other one. All I heard was my desperate attempts to breath.

Using my quirk, I banged at the walls, but to no avail. All it did was hurt my fists. I tried looking for a hidden door, activation button, a weapon, ANYTHING...and found nothing.

Fear started creeping up my spine as I realized I had no way out of here.

"He looked like he knew a lot about me...my quirk, my abilities, my moves...and created a perfect me-proof prison..."

I sat on the floor, calming down. "Okay...let's calm down and think..."

I looked down at my suit, hoping hat he said before wasn't true. When I grabbed for the emergency button, my finger moved right through, poking my hip. The suit shimmered, glitched, and wavered before returning to normal.

This prison didn't seem to be an illusion. None of my attacks hit. That meant it was real. It was just extremely strong.

That means I can get out.

"You can do it, Deku!" I said, pumping myself up. Calling myself that nickname made me think of Kacchan. "I can do it, Kacchan! Don't worry about me! I'll be okay!"

With that, I sat down and started to think.

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