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(Time skip~~ :D){Bakugo POV}

"Brrzt...We need backup...villain attack...Any heroes in the vicinity..."

"Ground Zero is heading your way."

"Deku is on his way!"

(OK, ok, I know Bakugo's hero name is probably DynaMight but all the fanfics I've read all say it's Ground Zero, so...Yeah, please don't come at me.)

After taking care of the villain, Deku and I ate lunch on a nearby rooftop.

"Uwah! Katsudon!"

"Hurry up and eat so we could patrol."

"Thank you for the food!"

He swung his legs happily, eating his food. "Kacchan's food is the best."

"Of course it is."

"Wahh! It's Ground Zero and Deku!" He waved at the fans below us. I grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "Eh? What's wrong, Kacchan?"

"You're on your fucking break," I said. "Pay attention to me."

He smiled. I placed my hand on his cheek before pushing his face.


"Heh. Ugly."

"Hmph, my fans don't call me ugly," He said, pouting.

"Of course they don't. Only I'm allowed to call you that." I said, pecking his cheek. "If any extra tries to call you ugly you give them a solid punch in the guts, understand?"

"I'm not gonna do that!"

"Then I'm gonna do it for you!"


He cupped my face with his hands, before connecting our lips. "I don't care whether someone calls me ugly or not. And you can call me ugly, too. As long as you still love me, I don't care, ok?"

He showed me the engagement ring I had bought him a few months ago. "And this is enough proof for me."

I smirked. "Damn right."

He interlocked our fingers and continued to eat. "Kacchan, you should wake me up sometimes so I can make the food."

"Your cooking sucks."

"I-I just need practice!"

Ring! Ring! Ring!


"Ka—Ground Zero? Yeah, we're eating lunch together. Is there something wrong?"

"Guests? Who?"

"Well...ok. We're on our way!"

He hung up. "Kacchan, we have quests."

"Eh? Who?"

"I don't know, she said to go to agency to find out," He said, closing his bento. "We're done with patrol in this area, right?"

"Don't got time for fans."

"She says you're gonna want to see them, too." He said. "Cmon, let's go?"

I rolled my eyes. "If they end up wasting my time I'm gonna kill 'em."

"Eh...let's not do that?"

{Deku POV}

"Wha— Sensei?!"

"Coming back from patrol?"

"Yes!" Sensei was sitting on the couch. A bunch of high-school students were talking amongst each other, some starin excitedly at me.

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