Chapter 1

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Alex walked into the new house she would be living in with her father, the house was plain, there was furniture yes, but the house looked cold... It didn't have a mothers touch to it. she walked upstairs and went into her room, starting to unpack her things. "Do u like it Alex" her dad shouted up the stairs to her
"Yes, its nice dad" Alex shouted back, lying, she hated this house, she hated that she had to move, she hated the fact that her mum was gone forever. Alex walked downstairs and saw her father "how about you go look round, out 'n about, while i finish unpacking"
Alex agreed and put her coat on before leaving the house, she wasn't sure where to go, this was her first day in liverpool, she barely even knew where her house was.
Eventually she found a park, there was nobody in it so she decided to go and sit on the swings, she remembered her mum and tears rolled down her cheeks slowly, she pulled up her coat sleeve and stared at the few cuts on her wrist, 'i'm crazy' she thought 'people at school will hate me, they'll think i'm a psycho' she pulled the sleeve back down, she continued to silently cry "are you ok love?" Someone asked her, she looked up and there was a boy in front of her, staring at her, he had a brown quiff, and wore all leather, he was the kind of boy she wouldn't want to get involved with. She wiped away her tears quickly and said "i have to go, sorry" before she ran off out the park leaving the teddy boy on his own.
When she returned home, she said hi to her dad and then went straight upstairs to her room. She lied down on her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting everything for a while.
She awoke with her alarm going off, she looked at the time it read '8:05', "shit" she muttered to herself, turning off her alarm, knowing she was going to be late for the bus if she didn't hurry up. She quickly put her new school clothes on and brushed her hair, before leaving to get the bus at 8:10, she managed to arrive at the bus stop just as the bus came. The bus was full of school kids, mucking about and causing trouble, the bus stopped at another bus stop, and a boy got on, it was the boy Alex had met at the park yesterday evening. He didn't seem to notice her as he walked to the back of the bus with the rest of the teddy boys. When the bus arrived at school everyone got off but Alex got stuck behind as the boy had grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Ah so we meet again" he said, he stuck out his hand "John Lennon" She shook his hand and said "Alex Smith" Alex couldn't think this through, was this the beginning of a new friendship or?
She arrived to her first lesson, which was english, she sat down in a free seat and began to take notes on the poetry they were learning about. the teacher was interrupted when John burst through the door late. "Where have you been Mr Lennon" the teacher said, "I was at the bus stop having a fag with Paul" John replied, the teacher sighed and told him to sit with Alex, he walked over and sat down next to her, "hi" Alex said to him, but John ignored her. Some people behind her started kicking her chair "oi Lennon whys this weirdo talking to you?" One of them said "dont even know" John replied, 'whats John on about' Alex thought but then she realised John was a teddy boy, he had a reputation, he couldn't go and throw it all away just to hang out with a loser

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