Chapter 8

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2 weeks later
Alex's pov
I've become more quiet and insecure recently, i barely go out or talk to anyone. John and i dont speak to each other anymore the reason why isn't really important at the minute, me and his friend Paul have become a lot closer, were like bestfriends an' the thing with Paul is that he isnt embarrassed to be seen with me around school. My dad... Well i dont want to talk about him, lets just say things have got worse... A lot worse.
I was day dreaming as i walked down the hall way, i held my books close to my chest as i stared at the floor, suddenly someone bumped into me as they ran past causing me to fall into the wall, dropping my books to the ground.
I ran home, i knew i was late, i had been talking to Paul after school at the park for a while and lost track of time.
"Where have you been!" My dad shouted as i took my shoes off
"I-i was at school doing extra revision" i lied
"Bullshit!" He slapped me, i just stood there staring at my feet
"I bet you've been hanging around with boys, haven't you?!" He continued
I shook my head 'n- no i haven't-"
I earned myself another slap
"Your a fuckin' liar Alex!" He pushed me against the wall and held me there by pushing against my neck making it hard for me to breathe properly, tears streamed down my face as i struggled to get him away from me.
"Please" i managed to whisper
He let go of me and walked off, i slid down the wall and cried
End of flashback
I started to panic, i was sat on the floor crying, i was shaking and breathing heavily.
Paul ran up to me "oh gosh Alex!" He wrapped his arms around me and whispered sweet things to me, calming me down. He had been with me before when I've had panic attacks so he knew what to do. Eventually my breathing began to slow down back to normal pace and i rested my head on Paul's shoulder. People were staring at us, "what?! You gotta problem or something!?" Paul shouted, they stopped staring and carried on walking
Paul's pov
I noticed while sat in the park with Alex at break, that she had small, dark, purple bruises around her neck.
I frowned. "Alex?"
"Yeah" she smiled
"What are those bruises on your neck from?"
"They don't just magically appear Alex, please tell me what happened"
She shook her head "i- i don't know"
"Did someone do that to you"
"Then how did you manage to bruise your neck"
"I- i fell alright?!" She snapped and stood up, walking out the park.
I followed her "Alex! Wait up" i said catching up with her.
"I was only tryna help" i said
"Well don't, i don't need anyones help, im perfectly fine" she snapped back
"Don't push me away like you did with John"
"I didn't push him away"
"Why do you two never speak anymore, you haven't spoken to him since the time you turned up at his house crying"
"Paul stop it, stop tryna fix things that have nothing to do with you, i don't need you to look after me, i can look after myself"
"Clearly can't if you fall over and manage to bruise your neck like that" i muttered
"You've been hanging around with Lennon too much, your beginning to act like an ass, like him"
She turned away from me and started walking "I'll see you in class Paul"
It was lunch and i was talking to John as we were sat outside the school gates smoking.
"John you know Alex...?" I said getting his attention
"Yeah, what about her" he muttered
"Shes got these bruises on her neck and she keeps telling me that she fell but i know shes lying-"
"Shit" John interrupted
He continued "i think i know who did that to her"
"Who? Tell me John please"
"I-i think her dad did it, them times she came to mine was because her dad had hit her. i guess its gotten pretty bad now"
I was speechless.
Her dad did that to her?
Alex's pov
Me and Paul were walking home from school together, he would normally always walk me home and then make his way up to Johns.
"Alex, everything at home is okay right?" Paul said while staring at the floor.
"Yeah, why wouldn't it be" i replied
He stared at me, i smiled
"Everything's fine Paul don't worry" i said reassuring him
We approached my house, i looked at my watch '4:17' i wasn't late.
"I'll see you tomorrow Paul" i said
We were facing each other, staring at each other... He leaned in and his lips pressed against mine, i pulled away quickly.
"I-I'm sorry Alex" he stuttered
"I need to go" i said and ran to my door, opening it and walking inside.
Paul's pov
Fuck sake! Im a fuckin' idiot, why did i just kiss her! Shes 15 and i only just turned 14 five days ago! Why! Oh god, i just couldn't stop myself, shes so beautiful, i know John likes her but he doesn't deserve her. He will hurt her, like he already did. He's to up on himself to care about her.
Alex's pov
"Who was that boy i saw you with!" My father shouted at me
"He's my friend dad, i walk home with him a lot" i replied
He slapped my cheek "Your friend?! Really! Then why did i see him kiss you!"
"I don't know why he kissed me!" I snapped
He pushed me against the wall "have you got a boyfriend Alex!"
"Don't fuckin' lie to me!"
"I'm not! He's just my friend dad! I swear!"
"lies!" He slapped me "remember what happened last time you had a boyfriend? What was his name... That John lad yeah?"
"No! Please!" I was crying, my dad had beat me badly when he found out that i stayed with John, he thought John was my boyfriend and told me that if he see's me with him bad things will happen. "John was just a friend as well! And now I'm not even allowed to speak to him!"
"I wish you would stop lying to me Alex! People who lie need to be punished" he slapped me and pushed me to the ground.
When my dad had left, probably gone to the pub, i went upstairs to the bathroom. i stared at myself in the mirror, i was definitely forming a black eye.
I sat down on the floor a pulled up my sleeve, my wrist was covered in cuts and scars... A few more won't make a difference.
I stared at my wrist, there was blood all over it, and myself, i had made more than just a 'few' cuts.
But i didn't care anymore, whats the fuckin' point.
I cleaned myself up and put a bandage on my wrist as it was still bleeding.
I heard the phone ringing, so i went downstairs to answer it.
"Hello" i said
"Alex, hi it's John"
I froze "J-John i can't speak to you, im sorry" i said and hung up, if my dad finds about that I'm fucked.
Authors note- heyyyy omg sorry for not updating in ages, been caught up with school work and problems at home but chapter 8 is finally here!! Hope you enjoyed it. votes and comments are appreciated :) thank you! :P

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