Chapter 12

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Johns pov
As i was walking to school i decided to stop round the corner from Alex's house and wait for her. Why was i doing this? For all i know she could of left already or not even be going to school.
I looked round and saw herwalking down the street, she wasn't the usual happy Alex i saw, she had tears streaming down her face, i ran up to her
"John" she said quietly as i wrapped my arms around her, she cried into my chest. As we separated i saw blood on my white shirt and Alex had blood running down her hands... I knew what had happened
"Alex l-let me see your arms"
She was shaking as she lifted up her sleeves, revealing fresh, bleeding cuts.
"Alex, w-why? Why would you do that" i started to form tears in my eyes.
"I want to die John! Please! I can't do this anymore!" She cried, falling into my arms.
I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to my place while she sobbed into my chest.
Alex was asleep in my bed, when we got back to my house i took her to the bathroom and cleaned the cuts up, they weren't deep enough for stitches but that doesn't mean they weren't bad, both of her arms were practically covered in cuts. i bandaged them up before taking her to bed, i sang to her as she fell asleep.
When she wakes up i'll ask her what happened, i'm guessing it was to do with her dad?
Alexs pov
I slowly opened my eyes, i was at Johns house in his bed, then i remembered, i remembered this morning. i remembered what I'd done to myself, i remembered what he'd done to me. i felt tears in my eyes.
"Please don't cry" i heard John say, he came over and sat on the edge of the bed
"What happened this morning" he said and held my hand, squeezing it slightly.
I woke up, i looked at the clock in my room, it read '7:25' shit! I was gonna be late for school, i normally leave at 7:30. my head was hurting and i felt sick probably from all the drinking last night, all i remember was talking to Paul and John and then waking up just now. how did i get home?
After getting changed I decided to walk downstairs and get something to eat and a drink of water. as i was drinking my dad came into the kitchen.
"What did you get up to last night then" he asked
"Just stayed in and did some maths revision-"
"Liar!" He shouted, making me drop my glass causing it to smash into pieces
"dad i-"
"I saw you last night! With some fuckin bloke! I got back early and decided to wait but when you came back you were too drunk to even notice me!"
"Dad I'm sorry" i said backing away
"No your not! You lie all the fuckin time!" He walked towards me and slapped me
"Where were you last night!"
"I was with my friends" i started crying
"Bullshit! You obviously went out to a pub and got drunk!"
"I didn't mean to get drunk... honestly"
"Fuckin lying bitch!" He pushed me into the wall and threw a glass at me
"I saw what you and that lad were doing outside of my own fuckin house!" He carried on
"I don't remember anything that happened last night, I'm sorry, dad please"
He grabbed my wrist and chucked me to the floor "why don't you go cut yourself again, fuckin kill yourself for all i care! End up just like your mother!"
"Fuck off i will then! Anythings better than living here with you!"
My dad stormed off out, and i managed to get myself up. all my makeup had ran down my face, i walked upstairs to the bathroom
I cried harder and harder and i dragged the blade across my wrists, blood running down my arms. i didn't care i just wanted to die, i wanted to forget all the pain, i wanted to be gone forever so i wouldn't have to put up with any of this anymore. i heard the front door open, i knew it was my dad that had came back from where ever he went out to. i stopped and ran downstairs straight out the front door, i couldn't take anymore shit from him. as i was running down the street, i saw John he was running up to me. he wrapped his arms around me and i couldn't help but cry into his chest, when he pulled away thats when we both noticed the blood all over his shirt.
End of flashback
John was hugging me as i was crying
"I love you Alex an-" John said but interrupted himself "i mean like i don't want you to kill yourself, or hurt yourself like this anymore, i want you to happy"
"i can't John, i hate it here so much, i don't even know what my dad was on about, i can't remember anything from last night"
"It was my fault"
"What are you on about John"
"I was the lad you who your dad saw you with last night"
"W-what? what happened"
"We were like kissing... a lot but i stopped us because it was going further"
"D-did we..."
"Nooo we didn't, I'm sorry Alex"
"Its not your fault, we both didn't know that he would be home"
He wrapped his arm around me "If you don't mind me asking how did you mum die"
"She killed herself"
John was speechless i could tell by the look on his face
"I'm so sorry, please don't do the same"
I just shrugged, i looked up at him, we leaned in and i felt our lips press together, he pulled away.
"I-i love you so much Alex" he said nervously
I held his hands "i love you too John"
"Please stop hurting yourself, i wouldn't be able to live without you"
"I'll try" i kissed him and he kissed me back, it was long and passionate.
he pulled away again "move in with me"
"John wha-"
"I'm being serious Alex, come live with me, here. We can be together and you wouldn't have to put up with your dad"
"Its a kind offer John, but my dad h-he needs me-"
"He needs you for what? To be his punching bag whenever he fuckin wants" John became suddenly angry
"John you know what i mean"
"I don't understand, you hate him but yet your choosing him over me" he was less aggressive this time
"I'm not, i would love to live with you but my dad will kill me"
"But don't you understand? He's gonna end up killing you if you live with him"
"John please-"
"Please, I'm begging you to move in with me, i want to keep you safe and loved, please Alex. If you don't like it you can move back out"
"Alright i will" i smiled and he kissed me passionately
Authors note- thank you to everyone who gave my feedback on this story, I've decided to carry on with it :) vote and comment thank youuuu

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