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We reached the school fifteen minutes before it starts and I spot Niall standing against the tree. As we were about to walk in, I stop on my tracks and look over to Niall. I should probably go to him instead of leaving him alone here. It is a great day today because it's our fifth 'Friendiversary' and I don't want to blow my second last day with him. "I'll join you in awhile" I smile and Jake nods, walking in.

I walk towards Niall and he stands straight, hugging me.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you. I'm just sorry" he mumbles against my hair and I hug him tighter. Surprisingly, his hands are under my t-shirt and they are cold and hot against my skin. He rubs his palms up and down my back and I cant help the goose bumps growing on my hands. We let go of each other and I take a step back. This for some reason got really awkward. I did not expect his hands to go under my t-shirt and neither did I expect that long hug.

"If I let you go, will you promise to call me every time you have the time?" I ask. "And to never forget about me?"

"I promise. Even when I'm not here, I'll always be by your side. All you have to do is call me and I'll listen to what you have to say" he holds my hand and intertwine our fingers again. I nod and we walk into the school.

The corridors were empty. Not even a single person could be seen. What the hell? We do have school today, don't we? I just saw Jake walk in like five minutes back. I check the Chemistry Lab and Library but there was no one.

We walk towards the canteen and we stopped to see that all the tables and chairs are gone. After a few seconds, a huge crowd of people jumped up in front of us and I almost fall backwards.

"Surprise!" They yell in unison and I smile.

"What the hell, guys?!" I cover my mouth so I don't scream in their faces and Mia and I squeal. "Wait, it isn't my birthday and neither it is Niall's. So what is all this about?" I ask, confused but a smile was still plastered on my lips.

"Well, it was a special day for you and Niall so we figured that we'd throw a small party for you" she hugs me and I hug her back.

"You did this? All for me?" I'm shocked. I never knew that Mia was this secretive about things. I wonder when they had all the time in the world to do this? "This is incredible!" There were lots of food and games and most important, the room was filled with my favorite people and music.

"I can't believe they did all this for us" Niall says and I nod.

"I know right?"

"I love you a lot, El" he kisses my forehead. Before I could answer, Mia pulled both of us apart and took us to the front of the crowd. We stood there in silence as she asked everyone to gather around in front of us. I spot Jake standing in front of me and I smile at him, looking away.

"It's time for some games! The first game we're playing is Seven Minutes in Heaven!" She cheers and so does the crowd. "Obviously, the person who's going into that room over there is none other than Elena!" Everyone starts clapping and I try my best to tell her that I don't want to do it but as usual, Mia does whatever she wants to and no one can stop her.

I walk into the empty classroom and sit on the floor, desperately waiting for someone to come inside and tell me that no one wants to kiss me. Honestly, I rather wait patiently to give my first kiss away. I want it to be someone special, the right person to share a kiss with.

After a few minutes, the door opens revealing Jake. He mumbles a 'hi' and I do the same. This is going to get really awkward after we're done with this.

"You really want to do this?" He asks, grinning. I stand up and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and smile.

"Maybe". A part of me tells me that he is the right person to kiss but the other part of me is telling me to refuse and walk out, telling people that we kissed. He walks closer to me and I do the same. His hands are in my hair as he pulls me closer. Our lips are inches apart and he pulls me in for a kiss. It was soft and gentle but also hard. It wasn't love neither it was lust. It was just... weird.

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