Thirty - Two- It Should Be Special!

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I woke up in his arms with his face few inches away from mine and I stare at him for a few minutes, in haling his features. He's even more precious while sleeping. I mess up his messy, hair even more and smile when I see him smiling in his sleep before it fades away.

I move my body closer to his, inhaling his scent and kissing his cheeks. I honestly can't stay more than five minutes laying in bed doing nothing. Either he has to wake up on his own or I'm waking him up by doing something really stupid. "Niall? Wake up, please" I intertwine our fingers and nudge his body. "Niall!"

"Ssshhh" He answers with his eyes still closed. "Let me sleep"

"Wake up before I..." I stop to see if he wakes up or not but he doesn't. I try tickling him but he doesn't budge one bit. I know he isn't ticklish but that doesn't mean I won't try.

I got an idea

But I don't know if I should do it or not.

Not that he'll mind. I mean, he'll actually love it and would probably demand it to be a daily routine but... I don't know.

I decided to just do it so I move the blanket off him and slowly touch him through his boxers to see his reaction and he awkwardly shifts his body but I don't stop.

"I could get used to this" He smirks and I immediately get my hands out. He pulls me back down beside him and I blush. He hovers over me and kisses me passionately. "My morning is finally good" He smiles but it made me wonder what was it like before I came back into his life. It must've been depressing for him and now, he's finally happy and it makes me happy to see that boyish smile playing on his lips.


"Mm, shower." He says.

"Me first." I giggle, getting him off me and running towards the bathroom and he follows me.

"Or together." The playful smile is back on his face and I shake my head. "It's nothing both of us haven't seen." He says, pushing me into the shower and turns on the tap. The weird and most shocking thing is that I never knew he was THIS romantic. I mean, seeing him with his ex-girlfriends, I knew he was but I've never imagined him being like this.

The water wets us both and he kisses me while taking off the tank and dropping it onto the floor. "I could never get enough of you" he mumbles against my neck and kisses it, slowly going down to my right breast and cups it in his hand. I moan in pleasure and he sucks onto it but stops and looks up at me. "You do want this right?"

"What do you mean?" Did he just stop doing what he was doing to ask me this?

"I mean me. You do want to be with me, don't you?" He asks, his eyes were full of hope and I nod without even a second thought. Obviously I want to be with him because there's no one else I trust more than him.

"I love you. Not the normal love but I'm in love with you." I say, proudly and he smiles from ear to ear.

"Then we should wait." He kisses my forehead and I look at him, confused.

"Wait for what?"

"To have sex." He answers.

"Niall I'm not a vir-"

"I know but I still want to wait. It should be special, not a normal thing to do in here or anywhere else. I'll wait until I've made you my girlfriend and when you're officially mine." He breathes.


"Not that you're not mine now but... yeah" He cuts me off and I nod. He pumps the body shampoo onto his palms and applies it on my back and slowly massages my shoulders.

"When will that happen?" I ask, after a few minutes.

"When will what happen?"

"You asking me to be your girlfriend." I whisper.

"Someone's desperate." He smirks, as I scrub his body with my hands.

"Shut up."

"I can do it here if you want me to" We both laugh and rinse the soap from our bodies. I can't imagine that we're actually having a conversation in the shower. Not to mention that we're completely naked from neck to toe.

When we were done, we got out of the shower and I wipe my face as I tie my towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom. Niall follows behind and I walk out of his room and towards the guest room to change. I close the room door and change into a pair of sweats and lose t-shirt and since I'm too lazy to go out of the house today, I didn't apply any make-up nor did my hair.

Niall walks into the room in his white shorts and stands there, smiling away and fidgeting with his fingers. He only does that whenever he's nervous and he sure did look nervous to me. His forehead was a little sweaty as he walks over to me and hugs me, tight.

"You know you don't need to be nervous" I giggle and he blushes, looking away.


My phone rings, cutting him off and I sigh, smiling at him and looking at the caller ID. It's Reese. Why is she calling so early in the morning? Maybe because of Eleanor. I don't even know. I pick up and walk few steps away from him.

"Hello? El?"

"Yeah? What's wrong?" I ask. Her voice sounded as if she was worried about something. "Is Eleanor okay?"

"Y-yeah she's fine. I wanted someone to talk to. Can you come over later?" She asks and I wonder if it is important or not. It must be, since she sounds worried and tensed as fuck.

"Is everything okay? We can meet at night if that's okay?"

"Yeah. See you." She says and hangs up. Okay? That was weird. She has never acted like this before. She sounds lost and sad. Maybe I should go over to the residence right now? But what should I tell Niall? He'll probably question me even more seeing that it's early in the morning.

I walk back over to him with a small smile on my face and he looks at me as if I'm faking it. His smile fades away and he holds my hands tightly, kissing my knuckles. "You know, you don't have to pretend to be happy in front of me, right?" He asks and I nod. "So then? What's wrong, babe?"

"Reese called." I breathe. "From her voice, it sounded as if she was about to cry and she told me to come over later." I finish.

"Why later? Go now!" He says.

"You don't mind me going now? We were supposed to spend the day together." I frown at him and he lifts my chin up and looks me in the eyes.

"Of course not, silly." He insists. "We'll spend the rest of the day together." He laughs, kissing me passionately with his fingers still on my lips.

"I'll be back soon though" I smile and then I'm out of the house in minutes. I did not change into normal clothes because who cares? I'm going to my old... room anyways and it's about fifteen to twenty minutes away from Niall's place.

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