June 21st 2010

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June 21st 2010

It's strange and funny at the same time at how I didn't know where I am and what is this hospital's name. But now I do.

When I was brought here, I was unconscious and felt like I was on drugs. I was brought into a room with a hospital bed and a desk. It felt empty and still does. I saw the date on the calendar. It was December 23rd 2009

No one visits me here except mom. I feel like trash. I feel abandoned, like I am not worth the keep. I always ask mom if I was annoying or behaved badly. She always said no. I don't believe her.

I am on doses of multiple drugs to treat my condition. Funny, because I still don't know what is wrong with me? No one tells me anything but treats me like trash, like I did something really wrong?

I made a huge mess just now, by breaking the mirror in front of me. I looked ugly. Bags under my eyes and my hair is a mess. I hid a piece of glass under the table when the nurses... more like prison guards came running into my room to calm me down.

Now I have a glass piece in my hand and blood on my wrist. I love it. I love the fact that I can hurt myself and not feel a single pain.

Seeing teenagers, like me or younger than me and how they suffer just like I do. It's like this hospital has become home.

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