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Green Fields Mental Hospital.

Patient's Name: Eleanor Marie Thompson.

Patient's Age: Sixteen years old.

Patient's Gender: Female.

Birth Date: 29th May 1993

Patient's Height: 5 feet 2 inches.

Patient's Weight (Before Medication): 54 kilograms.

Patient's Weight (After Medication): 48 kilograms.

Day Admitted: 23rd December 2009

Day Discharged: 24th July 2010

Doctor's Name: Doctor Luis Christopher Burns.

Diseases Diagnosed:  

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

: Bipolar Disorder.

: Dissociative Identity Disorder. (DID or Multiple Personality)

: Panic and Anxiety Attacks

: Depression and Self Harm.

: Psychosis.

: Schizophrenia

History of The Patient.

Since she was a new born, she has been raised in a household with only her and her mother, her mother being a foster parent, also the elder sister of Mrs. Eva Jacob Thompson, the biological mother of Eleanor Marie Thompson. Her biological father, Mr. Jacob Peter Thompson died when she was at the age of seven years. She grew up with no father figure under the roof. Patient's mother claims that Eleanor has two other siblings, namely, Elena Thompson and Reese Thompson.

History of Present Illness.

She was admitted on a probate court order and in fact has been recently admitted into Green Fields Mental Hospital on the 5th April 2006. She was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Panic and Anxiety attack, Bipolar Disorder and Depression and Self Harming. Patient was given Prozac and Celexa which she said she was taking as prescribed by her former psychiatrist. She appears to become hyper active, doing all sorts of activities, claiming to be cleaning up around her room but in fact, making a big mess. She also claimed to be seeing people around her who don't exist and being told to cut herself by them. She gets frequent panic and anxiety attacks when doctors and nurses come around to give her medication. Due to continuous resistance by the patient, the medicine had to be injected in her arm and hips.

Summary of Current Illness.

Patient was discharged on the 17th of August 2007, as the patient's illness had come down a very low scale. Medications of the same were still continued. A therapist session was held at the end of every week to make sure that she did not relapse.

On 23rd December 2009, the patient was admitted once again due to relapse and various symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Psychosis and Schizophrenia.

After thorough tests done on the patient, it was revealed that she had a sum of seven different mental illnesses. Along with the old medications, doses of Zyprexa, Abilify and Seroquel were also given to the patient. Her old claims of seeing nonexistent people increased. Patient is also found to be short tempered, leading to rising anger which causes the patient to do irrational harming to herself and people around her.

Different personalities under the Dissociative Identity Disorder are still to be diagnosed.

Tests for the same will be conducted in a week's time.

15 February 2010:

Patient's personality has been seen to fluctuate from extreme hatred towards the nurses and doctors to compassion towards other patients. Also, some days she hurts the same patients. Doses of each medications have been increased by the doctors.

22nd May 2010:

The patient has been moved to a private room due to complaints by the patients and nurses. Complains include; severe bruises on nurses arm and face, bite marks on patients hands and scratches on doctors arms. The private room is surrounded by cushions on all four corners and sides. The room is located on the top floor of the hospital to prevent further harm.

Doses of each medication have been changed to the highest dosage possible. No signs of betterments are seen yet in the patient.

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