Twelve - You lost my book?!

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The elevator door opens and I step out of it, walking into the narrow corridors of the rooms. My room is the one at the end of the corridor. I unlock the maroon wooden door and walk in to see a huge mess on the floors and both our beds. Reese stood in front of her closet, throwing down all her clothes as if she's finding for some precious. I'm sure it must be one of her books. She can never keep them in one place. The first day it'll be on the table and the next day it'll vanish into thin air.

She's also one of the messiest and clumsiest people I know. Once in awhile, she would trip on her own feet and blame her feet for 'coming in the way' and never herself. This is one thing that makes me laugh about her. She has always been that carefree, bubbly girl from the day we met but when she's sad, the world turns upside down and it's hard to cheer her up but again, it's worth it.

She stops throwing her clothes and ties her thick, dark brown hair in a messy ponytail and goes back to throwing clothes again. She does that whenever she's frustrated... which happens ninety percent of the time. She is never the type of person that could socialize and talk to a stranger for more than five minutes but when she does, it means she's interested in them which doesn't happen quite often too looking at the amount of boys who take girls for granted.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, looking at me as if she doesn't know who I am. I shoot her the 'are you serious?' look and walk in, moving her black lace top from the chair and replacing it with my bag.

"Uh, I kind of live in this room too, you know?" I state the obvious and glance at the mess. "You're looking for a book, aren't you?" I roll my eyes at her and she slams the closet door and sits on the bed.

"I can't find it, El." She covers her face with her hands and lays down.

"It's okay, you can borrow one of mine"

"El?" She sits up.

"Yeah?" I answer. The look on her face was horrid and I was hoping that she doesn't tell me what I was thinking.

"That was your book"

"What?! How did you lose it?!" I stand up, walking over to the attached shelf near the window. It was filled with thick hardcover books and I flick through all of them to see which book she lost it.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"Which book was it?" I ask. Believe it or not, I treat my books like how people treat their pets. I can't see them unorganized or missing from the shelf. The amount of books Reese has lost is uncountable and I certainly do not trust her with anyone of mine.

"It was one of the Harry Potter ones." She mumbles and I raise an eyebrow.

"One of the? Title?" I ask in disbelief. How does she not know the title when she's been reading it?

"I forgot"

"You forgot? What the fuck, Reese?"

"I forgot, okay! Why the fuck is the title so long? Who would actually make an effort to read that long ass title?!"

"Wha- Okay, fuck it. Let's just clean the room till we find the book, okay?" I say and she nods. I started off by arranging both our beds and she folds and hung all her clothes back into the closet. We arranged the desks but there was still no sign of the book.

"I think I actually lost it." She plops on the bean bag chair and rests her head against the wall. "I'm sorry"

"There has to be somewhere! Where did you last take it to?" I ask, looking at her.

"Um... I forgot"

"Seriously? Is there anything you remember besides food?"

"Oh, wait! Yes! Economics class!" She stands up and yells.

"Why would you read Harry Potter in Economics class? Besides, you hate physical books, right?" I tell her and she nods but doesn't say a word.

There was a knock on the door and I sigh, walking over and opening it. A guy stood there in his grey sweater and black jeans. His hair was messy and he held a thick book which looked similar to the Harry Potter ones and I smile.

"Um, are you Elena?" He asks and I nod. "I found your book on one of the tables in my class" He hands me the book and I sigh in relief. A huge brick has been lifted off my shoulder.

"Thank you so much for returning it!" As I was about to shake his hand, Reese walks pass me and jumps on him... literally. She hugs him and he looked petrified as hell. I mouthed a sorry and he smiles.

"You saved my butt from getting beaten up" She says, letting go off him and he laughs.

"My pleasure... I guess" I can see the blush creeping through both of their cheeks and I clear my throat.

"So do you both know each other?" I ask.

"Not really but I've noticed her in class." He speaks, his eyes were fixed on her and I smirk.

"Noticed, eh?"

"I mean, I've seen her in class" He laughs nervously and we shake hands. "Rick"

"Elena, and this is my best friend, Reese" I introduce both of us and they shake hands. "Do you want to come in?" I offer.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm actually getting late because I have a party to attend." He gives an apologetic smile. "Do both of you want to come?"

"I'd love to but I can't because I have to go somewhere so I have to pack but Reese certainly can go though, right Reese?" I lie. I don't feel like going out tonight. I push her out of the room and she nervously nods.

"Are y-you sure?" He asks her and she nods. She is not the type of person who would blush in front of a guy but this is new and it's hilarious. We all said our goodbyes and I close the door behind me.

I place the book back on the shelf and my phone rings. I glance at it before picking up and it was a call from Maura; Niall's mother. This is new, why is she calling me all of a sudden and also after two years? I pick up and hear shuffles coming from the end of the phone before someone spoke.


"Elena is this you?" Her voice was sweet and it made me smile to know that she still remembers me.

"Yes, it's me" I answer.

"It's been long since we've spoken, dear. How are you?"

"I'm doing great" I lie. "What about you? How is everyone?"

"Same here and everyone's well, too" There was an awkward silence till she spoke again. "I was inviting a few friends and relatives and It reminded me of you"

"Invite? What occasion is it?" I ask, confused and she laughs.

"Not an occasion but a wedding." Maura says excitedly and my smile grew.

"Wedding? Is it Greg's?" I ask, excited. After all these years, they still remember me... except him.

"Yes, it is. Will you come?" There was hope in her voice but I was thinking hard. Do I go? "The wedding is next week but Denise wanted you to help her pick a wedding dress. They still remember how much Niall's best friend loved wedding dresses"

I ignored the fact that they still think I'm his best friend and sit on the bed. "I'll be there" I smile. We said our goodbyes and I sigh. I can't believe that I'm going to be there again. It's been long since I've seen all of them, including him and I'm not looking forward to seeing him at all.

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