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As chaos ensued, Izuku watched with relative boredom. The Villains were getting beat pretty well, by both the students and the heros. A boy with a tail was using martial arts, another was launching tape out of his elbows and capturing the villains.

The assassin just watched them, eventually panning his eyes over towards the pro hero Erasure Head. The pro was gracefull in his movement, capturing and subduing enemies with his scarf before throwing them at eachother.

The he saw his sister. Izumi was holding her own very well, using her telekinesis to adjust the villains attacks so she could dodge. Then attacking herself while her enemy was off balance. It was a very effective way to fight. And Izuku hated it.

But he did not move only looking, untill he saw something he didn't like. A female student wearing pink and black with short brown hair was getting overwhelmed. Facing a two large villains while another was throwing some kind of projectile at her. She had a look of fear but kept evading skillfully. Izuku saw this and was impressed, it wasn't easy to evade that many attacks without getting overwhelmed.

Unfortunately it wouldn't last as one projectile hit her leg, causing her knee to buckle. The two large villains took advantage as they threw her into the concrete stairs. The three walked over and began to talk amongst themselves.

"She's feisty! I like a women who's feisssty!" One spoke with a reptilian hiss to his voice.

"Yeah she is." Another spoke, this one spoke in a heavy English accent. "Let's have some fun before we kill her aye?"

The large English man said this as he grabbed the girl by her neck out of the rubble she was in. Erasure Head saw this and went to save her, but was interrupted by Shigaraki decaying a part of his scarf.

Izuku watched as he felt his insides turn, he hated watching this. These people killed for fun and that's something he didn't get. 'Whenever I kill' Izuku thought to himself, 'I do it for a reason, but these Neanderthals...'

The men were closing in on tearing the girls clothes off before on was punched away by a shadow. The other two turned to see who had attacked them, while still holding the girl.

"Put down the girl or face my wrath and die." The men turned to see the assassin, Karitori-te, staring them down while a clone disappeared into ground.

"And who are you to tell ussss what to do?!" The reptilian man shouted at the black clad man. The man simply looked at the man who spoke as he replied.

This is where some violence and death will take place. Reader discretion is advised. There will be a point when the bloody murder is finished. Good luck!

"Because..." Izuku said pulling his sicle from his chest "I am death personified!!"

Izuku said this and fell into a portal below his feet, reapering behind the to men. Before cutting off the arm holding the girl in the air with his sicle. The large man gripped where his arm was as the girl fell to the ground, while holding the severed arm.

The girls eyes were wide as the large man fell to his knees screaming in pain. The girl was to petrified to move as the reptilian like men began to rush the assassin. The man went to throw a punch, but Izuku remained unmoving. As the punch was about to connect a portal appeared in front of it, and the fist went straight into it. Another portal appeared behind the man, and his fist came with it.

The man's fist connected with the back of his own head sending him forward, towards Izuku. The man stumbled forward, tripping over himself while holding his head. Izuku gripped his sicle as he sent a fist into the man's gut. He then launched the tip of his sicle through the underside of the man's head. The tip of the sicle could be seen through the top of the man's skullnas the man's body went limp, and Izuku threw the body behind him.

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