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Hello all who read, it's time for another installment of Inner Darkness. What will happen next, not even I know. So let's find out together. Enjoy.

Soon after Shigaraki fled police, ambulances, and other heros arrived to apprehend the villains that still remained in the USJ. As they burst through the doors everyone that could began to help the students and teachers that were injured. Some however remained unmoving.

Inko Yagi sat clutching her chest while crying on the ground. The emergency services never asked her what was wrong when they carried her to the ambulance. She would've walked, if she had not been struck with grief. Her daughter Izumi was sat unmoving on her knees as silent tears poured out her eyes. The only other person to be unmoved that was not effected by major injury, was the girl in pink and black.

Ochako Uraraka.

She was sat on moving from where Izumi had moved her. Disembodied hand still in her lap, blood staining her costume. She was currently in deep thought as to why the events had transpired. Death had looked her in the face, and it asked if she was ok. Why in his right mind, would Karitori-te, the hand of the reaper, ask if she was ok.

She was at a lost as the paramedics finally picked her up and ushered her away. The only thing with her was a ring from the dismembered hand. The ring was gold colored black, with the head of a dragon colored gold on the top. (For those who need visualizing, it's the Mortal Kombat logo)

Soon reporters began to flood the area surrounding the USJ as the heros and the police began to leave. They began to shout questions at the heros from UA as well as some of the police. Unfortunately for them, they never got their answers. The injured were brought immediately into Recovery Girl, who healed all accordingly. Though there were some things even she could not heal.

The grief that plauged the Yagi women had taken a visible effect on the both of them. Their eyes were red and puffy from crying, their faces showed extreme exhaustion. The two sat in the nurses office with one other patient, Ochako Uraraka, who was mentally winding down from the incident.

Ochako had the same blank stare on her face that she had at the USJ. Now cleaned of the blood that had covered her in the rescue building, she stared at the ring the man had worn. She was currently staring at it while in deep thought. Although she was interrupted as some of her classmates and a skeleton like man bursting into the room.


"For once I agree with the female pomeranian, you ok 'Zumi?"


The screaming was interrupted by an elderly scream that made everyone shiver.

"Quiet down the whole lot of you, there's still a patient recovering!"

The group looked over at Ochako, who still wore the same face as recovery girl walked over to her.

"All your wounds are healed young lady, please go back to your dorm and rest."

Ochako simply nodded as she left the room closing the door behind her. Hearing the door close Izumi began to speak.

"I saw him."

Everyone looked at her with a questionable gaze.

"Who did you see honey?"

Everyone looked over to see Toshinori sitting on a cot looking at his daughter, a look of concern plastered to his face.

"I-" Izumi choked on her words as she spoke, struggling to keep tears from flowing from her eyes. "I saw Izuku at the USJ."

Silence plauged the room as everyone's eyes went wide. Izuku had been missing for years, and he shows up at the USJ? Shoka Todoroki didn't believe this and decided to say so.

"You must've been seeing things 'Zumi-"


She was interrupted by Inko, who had been quiet this entire time.

"I saw him too." Everyone was shocked but Inko wasn't done yet. "As he was under the guise of Karitori-te."

At this Katsuki stood up, anger visible on his face. "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THE NERD IS A VILLAIN!"

This earned a smack from his sister, Izumi, and Recovery Girl. As Katsuki growled at those who hit him Shoto spoke up

"Well it isn't to far fetched."

His twin looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well think about it," Shoto started. "The day Izuku disappeared, was the day Shang Tsung attacked our school. Shang Tsung must've taken Izuku and done something to him to make him become his assassin."

"Well if that's the case how do we get him back?" Everyone looked to see that it was Recovery Girl who spoke.

"You all realize I miss my grandson, even if we're not related by blood he's family. And you lot better find a way to bring him back! Now out of my office!"

At this Inko smiled at the elderly women as the group left the room to discuss this elsewhere.

As all this was happening, Ochako Uraraka walked into the silent dorms of UA' class 1A. Everyone was out with their family's, but hers were working. She sighed as she walked to the kitchen, grabbed a soda, and walked to her room.

Upon entering she turned on her light and was met with something strange. A box thaf sat on her desk with a letter taped to the top. She walked cautiously towards the box and grabbed the letter, the paper the words were on looked ancient. She looked at the neatly drawn words and began to read.

"Dear cute girl in the pink and black, I'm sorry if I scared you back there. My only intention was to see if you were uninjured. I was glad to see you were, one of pure soul. If we ever meet in the future, I do hope it'll to help in your future endeavors as a hero. I may be an assassin, but contrary to popular belief, I am no monster. Heck, if we meet again in the future I'll help you hone your skills like my master did with me. Stay safe.

Signed, Karitori-te| Izuku"

Ochako stared at the letter in pure shock, she was surprised by the assassin's kindness. She set the letter down and opened the box, and was met with her favorite snack. Mochi. Ochako closed the box as she grabbed bringing it over to her bed with her. As she sat on the bed she cautiously ate one of the Mochi.

It was the best Mochi she had ever had.

As she ate it she thought back to Karitori-te's hood coming off, and she blushed.

'He was kinda cute now that I think about it.' Ochako thought while eating her Mochi. Looking back at the letter she noticed something and blushed harder than ever before. He had called her cute. She set the box on her desk while she laid down, still blushing. She would have trouble sleeping tonight. Being plauged with too many conflicting feelings would do that to anyone right?

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