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Hi everybody. What an ending last chapter huh, well time for the resolution. Hope you all enjoy, and don't forget about the story vote, please go vote, or even just say hi. Well onto the story, strap in. It's gonna be a bumpy one.

As the smoke cleared the crowd gasped and began to yell. Katsuki sat beneath some rubble with a twisted grin his face, that is until he saw the state of Ochako. The explosion blew a hole straight through her abdomen, destroying her internal organs and searing the blood in her person. Her spine was intact and the bottom of her lungs could be seen through the hole.

Katsuki saw this and his grin disappeared, and in its place a look of terror and fear took its place.

'Howd I do that? I didn't want that! I don't want to be a monster!'

Katsuki looked down at his shanking hands as tears spilled from his eyes. But his head jersey up when he heard a horrible scream.


From his seat, Izuku leaped forward from his spot, created a portal in front of him, and landed next to Ochako. Tears were pouring down his face as he reached for Ochako, who had finally lost balance and fallen down. Izuku set her down as he felt for a pulse, feeling a very VERY slight pulse. Izuku stood up getting ready to make a portal when fire and ice shot at him.

"Looks like Izumi was right about Karitori-te."

"I'll move to the other side, let's get him!"

Shoto and Shoka ran from the entrance and got on either side of Izuku. Izuku scowled and reached into a portal pulling out his sicle, and a mask. Putting the mask on and putting the in his chest he looks to see the Todoroki twins on either side of him.

"Surrender Izuku, come back to us."

"Listen to Shoto Izuku, if you surrender now, we could save Uraraka."

Izuku continued to scowl and changed his stance. The twin looked at eachother and aimed the fire sides at him.

"We warned you Deku."

Shoto nodded at his sister and the both unleashed their flames onto him. As the flames approached Izuku was quick to make giant two portals. As the flames hit the portals, two more appeared, aimed at both twins fire sides.

"Shoto sto-!"

Shoka could stop her brother in time as fired roared out of the portal, and onto their flame sides. The two twins stopped their onslaught and screamed in pain as they fell to the ground. Izuku closed the portals as he looked upon the twins and grinned.

"Where the scar of your hubris, you pieces of shit."

Izuku looked back at Ochako. Her condition had worsened. Hurrying, he picked up Ochako and readied a portal.

"Karitori-te! Wait!"

Izuku looked up to see Eraser Head, Present Mic, and Midnight running at him, stopping a distance away. Izuku looked at them, three people in his life that are like family to him. He takes off his mask and looks at the heros.

"I can save her! I'll bring her back! Just trust me!! PLEASE!"

At this point Izuku was crying while staring at the heros. Pleading silently as he awaited a reply. Midnight and Present Mic were also crying, seeing their nephew brought up old tears they shed when Izuku first "died." Aizawa looked at Izuku for a moment, face staring at the ground.

"Go! I trust you Problem nephew!"

Izuku smiled as tears rolled down his face. Giving Aizawa a nod, he ran through the portal before closing it behind him quickly. The trio of heros turned to the injured students and went to help them. Why?

Because that's what heroes do.

Meanwhile Izuku ran through a portal and into his masters laboratory. Running straight to a table and setting down Ochako, he went to the ancient scrolls his master kept in the lab. Each one containing a different spell or curse Shang Tsung had acquired through the many years of his existence. Izuku looked through scroll after scroll, but found nothing that could help.

Out of anger, Izuku through his sicle across the room and smashed a vase. Looking at the broken porcelain, he noticed something else in the rubble. He picked up a scroll out of the rubble and opened it, reading the contents.

Urano Metria: The power and soul of Gravity itself,

May whomever be affected by this spell weild Gravity at their finger tips. However only one of pure soul may alter the nature of the world. If any one person of corrupt soul be affected by this, may they die by the hands of the Elder God's.

This was what Izuku needed, a spell like this would heal Ochako without the corruption that he went through. He quickly went over to Ochako and began to read the spell aloud.

"Gravitas benedictio vel gravitas maledictio pondus experitur mundi!"

Wisps of pink and white erupted from the scroll and surrounded Ochako. The wisps lifted Ochako into the air and began to swirl around her and a quickening pace. Until fully surrounding her in a cocoon of magenta with white specs throughout it. The scroll then turned to ash in Izukus hands blowing away in a breeze. Izuku sighed while looking at Ochako's cocoon, he sat on the floor and put his head in his lap

"Well, what project have you been working on, my apprentice?"

Izuku froze where he was, that voice was the last one he wanted to hear. He slowly looked up from his spot on the floor to see Shang Tsung standing on the entrance of his lab. Izuku stood up quickly and bowed to his master, and began to explain what was going on. From the aftermath of the USJ, to training Ochako, to saving Ochako with the weird scroll he found.

Shang Tsung simply nodded throughout Izuku's explanation, proud of hid apprentice making his own decisions. And enraged that he hid them from him.

"I'm sorry from hiding this from you master, I was afraid if you knew, you wouldn't give me any leniency anymore. I'll except my punishment when I return Ochako to UA."

Izuku spoke sadly with his head pointed down towards the ground. Shang Tsung rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"It's ok apprentice, sometimes you mean too well. Either way, return her then give me the notes on the heroes, then you will get your punishment."

Izuku nodded and walked over to the cocoon and placed a hand on it. A portal appeared in front of him as he looked at the cocoon that held his only friend. Using his powers, he lifted the cocoon and walked through the portal. Walking out of the portal, Izuku arrived in front of a dorm building in the center of UA. He set the cocoon down, and left with a sad look on his face.

Soon enough a student spotted the pink cocoon and got the teachers, who brought into the UA conference room. There discussions were had on what the cocoon was, some thought it was a bomb, others a quirk malfunction. This continued untill something odd happened.

"Uhhh, the pink thing is opening!"

Seeing this the teachers took cover as the pink cocoon slowly turned to ash. Revealing the student inside and setting her on the table. The teachers stood up and saw Ochako Uraraka on the table, completely cured, and uninjured any further.

Izuku had done what he had said he was going to do. Suddenly, and with a groan, Ochako sat up slowly while rubbing her head.

"Uggghhh, where am I?"

The teacher rushed over to help her before hesitating. Ochako was different then before. Her eyes, once a beautiful chocolate brown.

Were now a vibrant pink.

Quick Authors note at the end here. I got the name for the cursed spell from Sonicjosh and his book "Absolute Gravity" its a good story so far so go check it out if you haven't already.

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