Deeper Into The Complex

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Hello my loyal Readers! I am not dead! Hooray! I know I've been gone for a while, with finals, finding a job, and holidays, finding the time and energy for writing has dropped to an all-time low. But not zero. So please enjoy this chapter of Inner Darkness, if you have any questions for me, the story, or just in general, please comment them. Well, without further ado, the next chapter of Inner Darkness.


Panting was heard throughout the echoey halls of the Yakuza base. Members scrambled to get rid of incriminating evidence of their crimes as the 8 bullets fought the heroes. In a secluded room, Shang Tsung, Overhaul, and Krono sat in a calmer looking room. With two sofas housing each side and a coffee table in the middle. They had just finished discussing plans for a "mixing of the groups" so to speak. It had ended abruptly when the building began to rumble, and shouting had filled the halls. The men stepped out of the room and looked at the chaos to see the crazed henchmen getting thrown around by a tall individual. He was plastered in a red, white and yellow costume with a number 1,000,000 on his chest. A visor covered his eyes, and he adorned a long red cape.

"Overhaul! Shan Tsung!" The young hero yelled. This had gained the attention of the two villains standing down the hall. Shang Tsung stepped forward, facing the young hero down with a blank stare as more heroes followed far behind the hero.

"I would stand down young hero." Shang Tsung said lighting a green skull in his hand. "You are out of your league."

The hero stood unfazed as Overhaul took a step back and Krono stepped forward next to Shang Tsung.

"I won't back down! Lemillion will bring you to Justice Soul Thief!"

Shang Tsung smiled at this as the heroes joined Lemillion, the heroes faces twisted into slight fear as they saw the Sorcerer. Kenshi and Bi Han stepped forward and joined Lemillion in staring down the villains.

"I see you have not changed Shang Tsung." Said Bi Han coldly. (Ha get it)

Shang Tsung merely smiled at the heroes.

"Oh, this is going to be fun now, isn't it?"


Nearby, Izuku and Eri continued to travel deeper into the facility.

"W-why are we going f-further into this place?"

Eri looked at Izuku from where he was holding her with a tired look in her eyes. Izuku slides his mask down and looks at the little girl.

"I'm taking you to people that can take of you." He says looking down, "more than I could."

"But..." Eri says, causing Izuku to look back at her. "I want to stay with you, you're my hero."

Izuku stops running and looks down at the girl in his arms. He gives her a grateful look with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Thank you Eri, but I'm no hero..."

Eri was about to interject at Izuku's statement when she saw Izuku's face holding a sad and downtrodden look.

"Although, I am glad I got to be your hero."  He said with a soft but sad smile.

Eri responded by hugging the black clad assassin which surprised Izuku greatly. He fell to his knees and embraced the young girl back with small tears falling down his face. He thanked the girl while they embraced. After about a minute of the embrace he picked the girl back up into his arms.

"Let's get finding the people who'll care for you. Ok Eri?"

Eri nodded as a loud boom shook the complex. She shoved her face into Izuku's chest in fear. Izuku slid his mask back on and pulled his hood back up and ran towards the loud noise, hoping he found someone specific who could take care of Eri.

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