Disassemble Reality

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Hello again y'all! I hope you all are ready for this chapter! Sorry for the long wait but with school and my job, its been hard to put in updates. But I'm here now! And with that, here is the next installment of Inner Darkness! Please enjoy!!

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Meanwhile, Izuku was approaching the chaos while still holding little Eri in his arms. They hadn't encountered anyone else after the last ones. Which, unfortunately, was about to change.

"Who are you taking me too Mr. Shadow Man?"

Izuku looked down at the curious girl, her red eyes staring up at him.

"Someone amazingly nice and caring, who will take care of you with the help of a lot of other nice people."

The young girl smiled at this as they continued running throughout the cavern like complex. They ran for a couple more minutes until the walls began to split apart and collapse in on the two. Eri screamed as Izuku dodged the attacks, she knew immediately who this was.

And it terrified her more than anything ever has. 

She had freedom in her reach, and it was about to be taken away by Him again.

"So, this is what that sorcerer comes to gain from this." Overhaul said launching another attack of spikes at the assassin.


More spikes were launched at Izuku, who jumped into a portal to dodge. As the dust cleared Overhaul was met with an empty hallway. He screamed in rage as he turned around to chase the two down, only to be met with a red gloved punch in the face.


The strike knocked the Yakuza leader back through a wall and into a giant open room. Overhaul skidded along the ground, rolling for a bit then slamming into the wall. The plague doctor mask wearing maniac looked up to see two heroes running into the room through the hole caused by him.

"Chai Chisaki, Alias Overhaul. wanted for numerous felonious crimes against the government of Japan. Come peacefully or we will be forced to use force."

Overhaul only scowled at Nighteye as he walked into the room. Lemillion arose from the floor in front of Nighteye and got into a battle stance.

"You putrid heroes think you can stop me?!" Overhaul said slamming his hand into the ground causing spikes to erupt from the ground at the heroes.

"The only way you're taking me down is if it's in a body bag!" 

Chaos consumed the room as the spikes closed in on Nighteye and Lemillion. Lemillion fazed through the spikes while Nighteye dodged.

This was going to be the fight of their lives.

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Izumi was pushed back again by another attack from Shang Tsung and slammed into a wall. Ochako quickly leaped past her and slammed her hand into a wall. A turret of pink energy exploded down the wall toward Shang Tsung, flinging bits of the wall at Shang Tsung as the gravity shifted towards the other wall. A few bits of wall hit Shang Tsung before he flung the rocks back at the heroes. 

Kenshi leapt in front of the two hero students and destroyed some of the rocks with his blade, Katsumi jumped to his left and did the same with her explosions. Shang Tsung rushed at them, morphing into a purple clad Ninja, summoning spheres of water around him. Bi Han met him freezing the water and connecting a kick to the sorcerer's chest. Shang Tsung skidded back and rolled to his feet, anger present on his face.

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