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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter six] has

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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter six] has

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NAMJOON COULDN'T HELP BUT FEEL BAD ALL NIGHT AND DAY. The weight on his chest being for too heavy for him to comfortably sleep at night. The feeling that he had offended her and ruined things made it difficult to find a good position to sleep in.

The next morning he sits under the warm water of his shower, running his fingers through his hair with his eyes closed while water pours down on his face. All he can really think about is how he'd apologize to Rose after work if she was even there on the corner when he passed by.

Namjoon's mornings we're quiet as always. He started his mornings with a shower if he hadn't one the previous night. Then he'd get dressed, today it was brown slacks and a beige crewneck sweater. He pushed up his sleeves to his elbows, exposing his forearms, mostly out of habit.

Breakfast consisted of a bowl of cereal as that was the only thing he could make without completely burning down his home.

He had no pets to feed or keep him company, no other people to wake up to and say good morning. He was simply alone, every morning, every night. And Namjoon never noticed how much he hated it until recently.

When he got to his office, he sat at his desk and sighed, long and dreadfully. Normally he would turn on his computer and get to work immediately. He has meetings and clients but all he can think about is how much he hurt Rose.

There was a careful knock on the door. The person behind the door didn't wait for him to answer before pushing open the door. Namjoon sat up straight in his chair and leaned against his desk, watching Jin, his co-worker, and another architect.

"You okay, Joon? You didn't say hi to anyone when you came in." Jin raised a brow at him, his plushy lips pursing softly with concern. Namjoon always said hi to whoever crossed his path on his way to his office, but he had been completely silent that morning uncharacteristically. It was strange.

But Namjoon simply smiled and waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, I just have a lot on my mind. It's all good. Don't we have to go to that construction site down in lower Manhattan?" They had to check the progression of a building being made. It was one of the first construction of such a big project that would rely solely on solar energy. There would be a garden on the roof of the building, by design, the building would have ledges where birds can build their nests.

Jin nodded. "Yep, at 3 so no need to rush. The others are in the kitchen." He pointed behind him before leaving the room, closing the door behind himself to go grab a cup of coffee.

Namjoon figured that he needed to get his head in the game. There was nothing he could do about it right now. He was at work and he needed to keep his head straight.

Maybe a cup of coffee would help.

Namjoon walks into the kitchen to see the others lounging around with their cups of coffee. Jin was in the middle of making a cup of his own when he had come in, gaining the attention of Taehyung and Hoseok.

❝𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘. ── 𝗞.𝗡𝗝✔️Where stories live. Discover now