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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter ten] has

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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter ten] has

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ROSE COULDN'T BELIEVE SHE WAS STANDING OUTSIDE OF THE COBALT, a restaurant she's always dreamed of dining at as a lover of food. You could only get in with a reservation and she simply didn't have the money for that.

But once inside of it, the luxurious building, she felt heavily misplaced. There she was, standing in the middle of the upper class all dressed in their luxurious dresses and suits, dazzling with their diamonds and golf. And there she was, a lowly prostitute just picked up from the corner, dressed up in a tight, latex two-piece that covered barely anything.

They got looks, mostly Rose as she pulled her jacket tight around herself to cover herself as they made their way to their table. She didn't belong here, amongst the very people who look down on every aspect of her way of life.

Namjoon pulled out a chair for her to sit down, he waited until she was fully seated before seating himself in the chair across from her. He looked at her, the way she looked around, and admired the elegance and grandness of it all. "Do you like it?"

Rose looked back at her. Her eyes were wide and she was rendered speechless for only a moment. "Wow, you must really like me." She cracked a joke to help with the tension that weighs down on her chest. The feeling of not belonging is one that she's grown accustomed to.

Namjoon really did like her.

A waiter came over to their table with menus and Rose's view was overtaken by all sorts of delicious sounding food. Her eyes bounced from item to item, unsure of what to choose from the vast array. "What would you recommend?" She asked the waiter who stared at her mangy coat and outfit in curiosity. Just another reminder that she's out of the ordinary, that she doesn't belong.

Namjoon looked up when the waiter didn't answer her. "She asked a question." He spoke up for her, taking the waiter's attention off of her outfit. "Oh! My apologies, ma'am. I would recommend the Blue Jay, not an actual bird it's..." His voice began to trail off in Roses's mind in until it was just a muted, distant voice.

What was she doing here? What was she doing here with him? She was a hooker, a prostitute. What was she worth? Nothing. She was worth nothing, so why is she sitting here in this fancy restaurant like she belonged here. Like she did anything to deserve to be here.

"Don't ever think you're anything more than some dirty whore on the street corner. No one will ever want you."

"I'll take that." She whispered with her head low. He took Namjoon's order next and was told to bring some white wine. And with that, they sit alone, though, not with all the looks Rose got.

"Why did you bring me here?" Rose asked him. She glanced at all the people around them. "I don't belong here. Have you seen me? I don't know what's going on in that insane brain of yours but I'm a hooker. I don't belong in a place like this."

❝𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘. ── 𝗞.𝗡𝗝✔️Where stories live. Discover now