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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter nine] has

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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter nine] has

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"SO DID YOU END UP ENJOYING YOUR DATE?" Candy asked from the kitchen as she rummages through her cabinets to grab the jar of baby food she had accidentally pushed too far back. Rose had come to her house the day after her date with Namjoon to visit DeAndre and to talk to Candy about it.

DeAndre, Andre for short, was trapped in his high chair, kicking his chubby little legs in the air while he slammed his gumming ring against the tray in front of him. He was an adorable baby. His cheeks were chubby and round and his chocolate eyes were round and wide. Rose couldn't help but kiss his cheeks every time she saw him.

Rose could never handle a child of her own though. Not only were they expensive and a major responsibility, she just had no desire for children. How could she possibly bring a child into this horrid world?

Rose was splayed out across her couch with her head propped up against the armchair. Her hands rest on her stomach, unmoving as if she were lifeless. She couldn't say the date was bad, that would be lying. Namjoon was good to her throughout the entire date. He was kind and respectful. He asked about her life, where, and how she grew up. It was like he wanted to know about her, all about her. After the first question in the cafe, he asked nothing more about her job.

Someone who looked deeper. Finally.

"It was great actually." Rose sounded surprised, even now. "We got breakfast then we went to a park outside of the city and rented out bikes the ride. He took me to a museum." It was pleasant, far more fun than sitting at home all day. She would've never guessed that she'd enjoy herself.

Candy came back into the living room with a plastic baby spoon and a small jar of baby food. "See? I told you not to be so pessimistic. When was the last time you got into a car with a guy and actually had a good time?" She popped open the lid and smiled at her sweet baby boy. "This is something good, Rosey. This could be your chance to get the hell up out of here. He's got money, he's nice, he's fucking hot. Hoe, if you don't take that stallion by the reigns, I will. Do you think he likes children?"

Rose hummed softly, staring at the wall directly across from her. She didn't want to get with him to escape her life. That doesn't make a real relationship. That makes her a sugar baby, just another job that leaves her at the mercy of men. It would be an upgrade though, at least she would be getting more money out of it.

"But what if he turns out to be something else?"

Candy understood that Rose has had a rough life. Abuse from men was what brought her to this job in the first place, she just naturally gravitated here. That's all she knew. She had learned that they can be two-faced.

Rose wasn't always like this though. She used to crave love. She used to trust too easily and time and time again, she was punished for it. Shitty guys who masqueraded around as men who simply took what they wanted from her.

❝𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘. ── 𝗞.𝗡𝗝✔️Where stories live. Discover now