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ROSE WAS GONE THE NEXT DAY. Namjoon didn't know that she left the moment he fell asleep. An overnight stay at the hospital could certainly rack up the bill and she saw no reason to stay. She didn't even want to be there in the first place.

Why did she so actively refuse help? Namjoon would never understand it. He barely got enough sleep that night to function properly at work, but he had never missed a day of work before and this wouldn't be the first.

Rose on the other hand had gone home. She didn't have the energy to go to class that day, instead reserving it for later that night when she went to the corner. The weekends were for the peep shows, including Friday so just one more night, one more night out in the cold, and for the rest of the week she wouldn't have to be out in the cold.

The hospital wasted no time billing her. 2 thousand dollars. Fucking great. Another bill she had to pay with money she didn't have. It wasn't worth all the effort. She was fine. She didn't need to go to the hospital in the first place.

He was only trying to help. All you've done is been an asshole to him for no reason. She told herself as she remains curled up under her thin blankets, pitifully watching Martin for what seemed like the hundredth time. This was her time to grieve, to let it all out before she scooped her shit back together and tossed it into the closet. She couldn't afford to actually face her trauma, which would require therapy and therapy is expensive.

That night, Rose elected not to tell anyone anything. Not her uncle who she stopped to visit before walking to the corner. He had given her some hot chocolate to keep her warm for a little bit before she left.

She didn't tell Candy either. The woman had screamed when she saw Rose, running up to her and leaping on her the moment she saw her coming down the street. "Bitch, I thought you died! You went off with that weirdo and never came back and you didn't answer your phone. I thought he fucking murdered you."

Rose enjoyed the warmth of her hug and sighed softly. "No...I'm fine." She whispered to her. "I just went home afterward." She didn't want to bother anyone with her problems. It wasn't that big of a deal. She'd just move on with her life like she always does.

So Rose sat quietly against the wall. The snow had begun to melt, letting a few peaks of concrete poke from under the thin layer of snow. She listened to the soft chatter of the girls beside her, dragging her heel across the surface of the snow.

She didn't sit there for long though. She was far too lost within her own mind to notice the silver Cadillac rolling up in front of them. Candy came over and nudged her softly. "Look who's back. I thought you said he left."

Rose looked up and dread sank within her. He shouldn't be here. Why is he here? Why is he still showing up? Why can't he just let her heart be at peace?

Rose nervously brushed her fingers through her hair and stood up straight. What does she have to do to get him to leave her alone? Does she really have to tell him to fuck off?

Rose marched over to his car, watching his tinted window slowly lower so he could speak to her. She was scared in all honesty. Scared as all hell. Trauma was the reason. She was incapable of feeling any sort of trust towards men. He was obviously trying to help but Rose has never known such kindness from a stranger before.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed at him. She watched him look at her, almost as if he couldn't believe she was standing there in front of him. He was afraid that she'd be here, back out in the cold, going right back to work after experiencing something so traumatizing. "I'm trying to make sure you're okay. Why are you out here, Rose?"

❝𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘. ── 𝗞.𝗡𝗝✔️Where stories live. Discover now