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╰─▸ ❝ @[chapter seven] has

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"DO YOU HAVE AN OFF DAY ANYTIME THIS WEEK?" Namjoon had asked Rose the next night, leaning up against his car while she stood in front of him. She was wearing his jacket again that night even though it didn't match with her blue outfit. She had offered it back to him but Namjoon insisted that she keep it.

Rose gave him a look, pulling the jacket tighter around her body. "Why you wanna know?" A teasing smirk came across her lips as she stared at him. His hair was a bit messy, a few strands of chocolate brown hair brushing softly over his skin though there was still the rough shape of it once being slicked back.

Namjoon had his long fingers laced together in front of him and though his stance was nervous, he was far better at talking to Rose. He had come a long way from not being able to talk to her at all. "I wanted to know if I could take you out on your day off." His astute eyes were very soft. Namjoon had to know he had a pretty face, he must get a lot of compliments.

Rose normally spent her off days sitting in her shitty apartment, watching old 90's shows while eating ice cream. She was fine with being alone, it wasn't like she had any friends outside of the other girls with who she shared the corner. There were faces she had seen over and over, every day that she memorized, a few names she had caught, but that's where it stopped.

If word got out that she was a hooker, she could be expelled and ridiculed.

Going out with Namjoon for the day could prove to be fun but at the same time, the vulnerability of being out with him scared her. She was allowing him to get close, each day he inched closer, she had tried to push him away the previous day but he came back with flowers, giving her his jacket in an attempt to keep her warm.

Every day, he reminded her of him. The one person she trusted most in the world. He played nice, just like him. He was meant to love her, but his definition of love was sick and perverted. Rose has grown terrified of these men. At least her customers weren't trying to hide how perverted and asshole-ish they were.

The worst men were the ones pretending to be good men. They were the first to get mad when the affections weren't reciprocated. They were the first to get violent when she refused.

So Rose smiled rather convincingly, an expert in her craft by now. "Sure." She agrees because she's terrified of what may happen if she says no. But she doesn't let it show.

Namjoon, completely unaware, grinned, his pleasantly warm eyes sparkling excitedly. "Really?" He sounded almost surprised that she would agree. His heart leaped in his chest and he straightened his posture, rising to his full height in front of her. He never failed to remind her how much bigger he was than her, how easy it was for him to just grab her and she would have no chance of fighting him.

❝𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘. ── 𝗞.𝗡𝗝✔️Where stories live. Discover now