Chapter 2: Holding Them Back

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Volume 1

Chapter 2: Holding Them Back

"How can you be so slow?"

I can't tell you how many times someone has complained about that. To make things worse, I can't even defend myself. I am slow, causing the group to fall behind schedule, but I can't help it. I am moving as fast as I can. It's not like I choose to be this weak. But despite knowing that my classmates still show me no mercy. Besides Elise, she is always the first to defend me whenever the class gets too mean.

"We should just leave him behind,"

Again, I have heard that line more times than I can count. I curse the gods for making me so slow and weak. What were they even thinking, giving me such low stats when I had to face the demon lord who those priests feared could destroy their whole kingdom? They must have made a mistake when giving me my stats. I wouldn't have been surprised if they added mine onto Elise's since she is so much stronger than the others.

I sigh, hearing the chorus of complaints and threats to leave me behind. I start to think they should leave me. I should be able to return to the temple from here, so I will not hold the group back. We haven't seen any of those monsters yet, so it should be a safe trip for me.

"We can't leave Luke behind. He is part of our class too," Once again, Elise is the only one to come to my defence. "If you are that upset about being slowed down, then maybe you should carry him."

I don't want that. That jock that Elise suggested should carry me does not look like he will be willing to help. Even if he did say he would carry me, I would still refuse. But that would make everyone moan at me again and decide to leave me behind. As much as I hate to admit it, I should take him up on the offer to carry me if he agrees for the good of the group. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't stand a chance if one of those monsters does turn up.

"Not in a million years," The jock quickly turns down the idea of carrying me. "If it was a cute girl, I would be more than happy to carry them, but a weakling like that should be cut loose."

"How can you say something like that?!" Elise snaps at him. "That is basically the same as killing him!"

"Then why don't you carry him? You twice as strong as me according to that altar,"

"M... me..." Elise suddenly stiffens, and her face turns bright red. "I... couldn't... I... I mean I... I have been swearing.... I... I am not ready... for something like that...."

For some reason, Elise starts muttering to herself and fidgeting well, casting nervous glances at me. I wonder why, but I do not get a chance to ask her what is wrong before Elise quickly stands up straight and says we should keep moving. She seems fine now, but we are right back where we started, with me slowing everyone down. It is not long before the moaning starts again.

An hour passes, then two, and we have made little process because of me. The only good thing is that we have not encountered any monsters, but I can tell everyone's patience is running thin with me. By midday, the threats to leave me behind are getting worse. Even the most kind-hearted people in our class are threatening to abandon me now. I am sure the group would have ditched me if it were not for Elise.

We must stop for lunch when most of our stomachs start to grumble. The priests gave us some food but not much. I guess they thought we would reach the city before dinner time, but I doubt that would happen, thanks to me. No one talks to me during lunch, and everyone keeps their distance. Even Elise stays away, although she keeps looking my way, only to quickly turn away when our eyes meet.

After we eat, it takes only an hour before someone threatens to leave me behind again. Another hour and most of the class is ready to abandon me. I can't blame them. I know I am slowing the group down with my low stats. If they abandoned me, I doubt I would even be mad. I am holding them back, and if monsters attack us, I will need my classmates to protect me because of how weak I am. Thinking back, I should have stayed at the temple, and I think there was a chance of the priests letting me stay there because of how weak I was.

By the time the sun sets, we are still in the forest, and no one hides the fact they blame me for it. We were lucky that some of our class members had bows and the skill to use them, or we would not have had anything to eat for dinner. I will never understand why those rabbits did not run or hide when we got near them. Maybe they were used to humans in this forest, or maybe the gods in this world took pity on us. We will never know why, but the archers in our group killed three of them, giving us enough food to eat for dinner. Unfortunately, none of my classmates wants to give me any of that food. At least Elise is still on my side. I would never have had anything to eat if it were not for her.


Rabbit Absorbed

+5 HP

+5 MP

+1 Strength

+5 Speed

+5 Stamina

+5 Dexterity

+1 Intelligence

Skills Acquired: Jumping Level 1 (Can jump up to 2 meters into the air and land safely)

I smile as text suddenly appears before me as soon as I bite into the piece of rabbit. I may still be weak, but at least now, I should not slow everyone down when we head out in the morning. I take another bite hoping for my stats to increase again, but nothing happens. Does that mean it only works once per animal or once per species? I make a mental note to experiment when I have a chance. For now, I think I should just inform everyone of this change... or maybe I should wait until morning. Everyone is still glaring at me, so I will wait until the morning when, hopefully, everyone has calmed down.

We all settle down after we eat. Getting comfortable on the cold hard ground is difficult, but I found a comfortable position. The rest of the class sleeps huddled in groups, but no one is coming near me after how much I annoyed everyone today. Closing my eyes, I only have a few moments of peace before I am nudged awake.

"Get up. We need to talk,"

It is the jock that has been trying to date Elise and a few of his friends. I guess they want to yell at me about today, and I hope that is all they will do. Looking around, I see everyone else is already settling down. I do not bother calling out for help; I just follow these guys. I doubt anyone would even come to my aid anyway after today.

"This way,"

They lead me away from the others, not too far away but far enough that no one can see us from our makeshift camp. They take me to the side of a cliff where the rushing water below will block out any sound. I hope they will not take things too far, but that is starting to seem unlikely. I brace myself for the first blow, already planning to play dead, hoping that would make them would stop sooner.

"Luke, listen, we have been talking with the others, and we have come to the conclusion that you are just getting in our way," The leader of the group says. "We have concluded that we will be better off without you."

Before I can even react, two other jocks grab my arms.

"What are you going to do with me?" I ask, surprising myself with how steady my voice is.

"You see, we know you will not survive on your own, so Elise asked to take care of you,"

My eyes widened upon hearing her name. So even she wants me gone. I thought she was still on my side out of everyone in our class. Just knowing she is involved makes the news hurt twice as much.

"She couldn't do it herself, so she asked us to... take care of you," He grabs my collar, and despite my struggle, the three drag me to the cliff's edge. "Think of this as a mercy. You would have died out here anyway. At least this way, you won't suffer."

Before I can even cry out, I am thrown off the cliff. I can hear screaming and realise it is coming from me as the cliff's top disappears into the night's darkness. I am going to die. Even after gaining that new power, I am still going to die.

I Was Abandoned For Being Weak, But I Have One OP AbilityWhere stories live. Discover now