Chapter 4: The Ruins By The Lake

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Volume 1

Chapter 4: The Ruins By The Lake

I really underestimated the distance between myself and the village. By the time I reach the place, the sun has set, and there is not a soul in sight. But the more I look, the more I wonder if there was ever anyone here in the first place. The place looks worse for wear, and I blame the dying light for not noticing earlier. The buildings lay in ruins, and it didn't look like anyone had been here in years. Although I spot a few places that escaped whatever devastation came to this place here and there.

Walking through the deserted village, I am unsure whether anyone even survived the destruction of their village or if they simply had to leave everything behind. Starting to peek into the abandoned building, I can see clothing and valuables left behind. A few of the tables even have rotten food laid out as if the people here had to suddenly leave in a hurry. I will not complain about this as I quickly find a change of clothing. Still, I feel like I am stealing despite the dust and cobwebs telling me no one has been here for a long time.

Exploring more of the village, I helped myself to a backpack, coat, waterskin and blanket the people who lived here left behind. I don't believe anyone will miss this stuff, but I still feel bad and only take what I need to survive, leaving everything else untouched.

It was tempting to take some of the money left lying around, but I restrained myself and set about looking for a place to spend the night. A few of the buildings look to be still in decent shape. They are dusty and filled with cobwebs, spiders, and many other creepy crawlies, but I try not to think about them as I find a spot to settle down for the night.

I lay the blanket on the floor and settle down on top of it to try and enjoy a terrible meal consisting of ice-cold wolf's meat I didn't finish earlier. It is horrible. The meat is tough and cold, and once again, I wish I had something to season this bland meat with, but I force down the meat one gulp at a time, knowing I will need my strength in the morning.

The city does not look far away, but I thought the same about this village when I first set out for it, so I might spend another day walking to reach it. Before I sleep, I go to the well I spotted in the village centre and drink my fill of water, washing away the horrible taste in my mouth. I filled up my waterskin while I was there before settling down for the night.

Laying on top of the blanket, I stare at the shadows on the ceiling, hoping things will get better in the morning. Once I reach the city, I will have to face the others. I'm not looking forward to it, but we must defeat the demon lord together if we want to go home. Maybe now that I am stronger, things will be different.

I may need to start planning to find a way to live by myself, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I need to get to sleep if I want to get up early tomorrow morning. Closing my eyes, I try to get comfortable. It wasn't easy when all I had was a thin blanket between my back and the on this hard cold floor, but I managed to fall asleep. I hope I reach the city tomorrow so I won't have to spend another night like this.


I wake up with a dreadful feeling that something is wrong as the ground shakes. I have never felt this way before. Every fibre of my being is screaming something is wrong. Is this what my danger sense ability does whenever I am endangered? I am starting to wish I did not have that ability if this is what it makes me feel every time a threat approach. But something strikes me as odd about the shaking. It does not feel like an earthquake, almost as if... I quickly run to the window to confirm my suspension.

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

I see it. As the sun peaks above the horizon, I see it walking towards me, wielding a giant club. Whatever it is, it is massive, taller than the buildings in the village. I do not know how, but it seems to know exactly where I am as the thing heads straight for me, getting bigger by the second. The closer it gets, the more I can make out, although I wish I never saw this thing in the first place. Whatever this creature is, it has dark green skin, a bald head, and a chubby body. But the worst thing is the smell. I almost throw up at the stench of rotting food that is growing worse with every step that thing takes towards me.

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