Chapter 11: Day 1

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Just a quick note this chapter and the next one switches POV frequently.


Luke's POV

"There is three more coming from the right!"

"I got them cover me!"

Both Aria and Laurence work in perfect order to bring down the orcs while Fine and I try to catch our breath. This is the eighth time the orcs have tried to scale the walls today, and it is only a little past noon. Each time the orcs have attacked, we have widdled their numbers down with magic and arrows before cutting anyone of them that managed to climb the wall to pieces with swords and spears. But despite the losses they have suffered, we have barely put a dent in their numbers.

"Come on, Luke!" Fina says, pulling me to my feet. "It looks like we have to cut our break short!"

"Right," I nod my head as a large group of orcs climb over the wall.

There is no end to them. I have probable cut down a hundred orcs, and they keep coming. Did I mention this is only a tiny part of the wall I have been talking about? But from what I have heard, other places are suffering just as much as we are against the orc onslaught. If this keeps up, I am seriously worried about our chances of being alive when the reinforcements arrive.

"Take the four on the left," Fina tells me, and I nod again before she goes to deal with five orcs on the right.

I have done this too many times now. In fact, I have done this so many times I do not even need to think to dodge the orcs attacks. They all fight the same way swinging their weapons down from above or across from the side. They are easy to read and do not even need my dodge skill to avoid the strikes. All I have to do is sidestep of duck and counter-attack afterwards, and the orcs go down one after the other. It only takes me thirty seconds to take down my orcs, and I even help Fina take down her last orc too. Orcs aren't that hard to deal with once you know how to kill them.

Seven more quickly appear, and Fina and I take care of them too. But no matter how many orcs we kill, ten more always appear to take their place. Benjamin has been forced to fight up close after running out of arrows, and even Aria fights in close quarters. We do not have enough arrows or magic recovery potions to allow those two to support the rear any longer. We have sent a runner for more supplies, but no one can say when he will come back... or if he managed to find us some supplies. Like I said, we are not the only ones under constant assault from the orcs.

"There is still more coming!"

I can hear a voice cry out as at least twenty more orcs ascend the wall. There really is no end to them. Fina, Laurence and I quickly rush forward alongside several other knights and members of the town guard, bringing half their numbers down quickly but losing guards in the process. It is hard to ignore them. It is a struggle not to feel anything for the dead, but I cannot think about them. If I do, I might end up dying alongside the fallen.

There is still more. Every time we cut an orc down, three more climbs the wall to replace them. It does not matter how many we kill. There is always more replacing them, and soon it is only Fina, Laurence and me still standing. But somehow, we make it through the attack. Slowly but surely, the orc numbers decline, and Fina manages to bring the last of the orcs down.

"That looks like the last of them," Fina says, sounding out of breath. "For now, at least. Start evacuating the wounded and get some rest. It is only a matter of time before they come back."

"I need a bath," Laurence moans, and I cannot argue. We all need one. Everyone is covered in orc blood and guts and smelling terrible. It would be nice if the orcs would give us the time to wash up, but I doubt they would be so kind. "This is no way to treat a high born such as myself."

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