Chapter 16: Demon Fight

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I'm glad Fina and Elise are clueless about what she meant by close encounters. We just quickly run for the staircase, only for a wall of black smoke to surround us.

"We have found you!" The demon Jack steps out from the mist in front of us. "Time to die, Luke!"

"Damit," Fina mutters as we all turn to face the demonised Jack. "Luke, protect the prince! Elise and I will deal with him!"

"But he's...."

"No but's!" Fina interrupts me. "The king ordered us to protect you, so stay back for now... hey what are you doing? Are you even listening to me?"

"I am, but I can't do nothing," I tell her, stepping forward instead of backwards. "There is nowhere to run, and our chances will be better if we fight together."

It's true. The black mist around us is so thick that I doubt we will be able to see our hands in front of our faces. Besides, even if we could navigate the mist, I have the feeling we would only find ourselves back in front of the demon. Our only chance is to fight. The princess, or should I call her prince? She also joins us on the front line stating she isn't the kind of person to let others fight her battles for her.

"Then the three of you will die by our hands," Jack says as a colourless black flame engulfs his body. ". You will be ours soon. This place will be our domain. We will rule together as king and queen."

Elise doesn't respond despite the look of disgust on her face. Instead, she charges forward with Fina and attacks. Fina moves in, first hacking her sword deep into Jack's right arm while Elise cuts his left. Dark purple blood flies everywhere, boiling and sizzling on the ground wherever it lands as Jack's arms are thrown open. In the blink of an eye, both Elisa and Fina fire off spells, with Fina's Air Cutter taking out both of Jack's eyes while Elise's Holy Light spell causes Jack's body to smoke and the demon to howl in pain.

I have no idea where they learned to work together like that. They must have worked out their differences in the labyrinth and developed some combo moves. As it turns out, I may not have to get involved in the fight after all. Elise and Fina repeat the combo again on the demon's legs causing Jack to fall over.

"It seems we underestimated you pests," The demon laughs as it gets back up. We can only stare as its injuries heal one after the other. "I think it is time we stop holding back!"

The demon lets out a deafening roar as a black wave knocks Fina and Elise back. Even from a distance, the force of that wave still causes me to slide back a meter or two while the prince/princess is knocked over. The demon steps toward me, shaking the ground with every step. It glares at me, letting out breaths of black smoke and leaving behind a trail of deep footprints.

"We are glad you are still standing," The demon smirked, cracking its knuckles. "It won't be as fun beating on your body as it lays helplessly on the ground."

The demon throws its fist aiming for my stomach, but I catch its fist before cutting off its hand with three rapid swings of my sword. It may have knocked me down before, but I had plenty of time to prepare this time. Before, I never got to activate the I obtained after my kiss with Fina. But now it is in full use, giving me a boost to my stats equal to half that of my opponents. Fina had used this ability to beat me in the arena, and now I use it to kick the demon with all my strength. I hear a crunching sound as my foot connects, and black liquid sprays from the demon's mouth as it lands on the ground several feet away.

"Impossible!" The demon glares at me as it picks itself back up. "A human shouldn't beat our strength!"

A lot has changed about me. I was weak and thrown away when I first came to this world. I had obtained power from the monsters I fought and grew stronger than the rest of my class. But it wasn't enough. Laurence, Aria, and Benjamin were cut down in front of me. Despite my strength, I couldn't save them, so I continued to train. Fina, Elise and several other knights helped me train and taught me so many new skills. I wanted to be ready. I wanted to ensure I wouldn't have to watch someone else die the next time I faced a demon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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